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Island writer nominated as Poet Laureate

GALVESTON — Jim Boone has garnered a nomination as U.S. Poet Laureate. He does not expect to be awarded the title, but he’ll gladly take the role of a footnote.

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Featured This Week

Yule love gifts from Head to Footsies
Head to Footsies: Downtown Galveston is the perfect place to get all the gifts you need. Head to Footsies has something for every lady on your list!
December 16, 2011

Three collections take center stage at Vic’s Trunk Show
Vic's Jewelry: Come by Vic's Jewelry annual trunk show to see three unique collections, Dec. 9 and 10.
December 2, 2011

Find unique, affordable gifts at Galveston Gallery
Galveston Gallery: When you are making your rounds of holiday shopping this year, make sure you include a stop at Galveston Gallery.
November 18, 2011


Featured Businesses

Galveston Gallery

Head to Footsies

Vic's Jewelry