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Island writer nominated as Poet Laureate

GALVESTON — Jim Boone has garnered a nomination as U.S. Poet Laureate. He does not expect to be awarded the title, but he’ll gladly take the role of a footnote.


The wonders of grandparenting
One of the best parts of grandparenting is watching your grandchild develop.
January 17, 2012 - Dr. Michael Warren

It's our daily struggles that make us stronger
Cathy Gillentine has found strength through her recent struggles with the delivery of her metropolitan newspaper.
January 16, 2012 - Cathy Gillentine

Island dangerously close to a possible enforcement
It appears the federal government might be running out of patience with the city of Galveston.
January 15, 2012 - Patrick Graham

Chief of staff named 2012 San Luis Salute Honoree
Dr. David N. Herndon was named the 2012 San Luis Honoree.
January 15, 2012 - Frances Powell

TOP officers will better isle
Peter Davis writes about the new Tourism Oriented Police and their role on Galveston's beaches.
January 13, 2012 - Peter Davis

Get unconditional love from grandkids
Dr. Michael M. Warren reminds grandparents they will get unconditional love from their grandchildren.
January 10, 2012 - Dr. Michael Warren

Texas' anniversary gets lost in the holidays
Cathy Gillentine says that with all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, most people miss the anniversary of Texas' statehood.
January 09, 2012 - Cathy Gillentine

Holiday event honors musician's legacy
Many of the Baby Apple's downtown social circle hosted a holiday event at the Tremont House remembering the late Oma Galloway.
January 08, 2012 - Frances Powell

101 Things to Love about Galveston County
The Daily News Publisher and President Patrick Graham give his picks for Galveston County's best.
January 08, 2012 - Patrick Graham

Ducky a big part of lifeguarding history
Ducky Prendergast taught Peter Davis about Galveston, the beach, lifeguarding and how to be a better person.
January 06, 2012 - Peter Davis

New Year's resolutions: A second opinion
Another year has ended, and many of us are gathering up our willpower for a brand new set of New Year’s resolutions.
January 03, 2012 - Dr. Michael Warren

Kudos to the Holland House elves for holiday party
Thanks to all the Holland House elves who helped with this year’s party that was even better than last year’s.
January 01, 2012 - Frances Powell

New year a fresh beginning for area
The Daily News President and Publisher Patrick Graham writes he has a wish list, not resolutions, for the county for the new year.
January 01, 2012 - Patrick Graham

The trick to solving New Year’s resolutions
The holiday season is half over. It is time to wish you all a happy new year and a prosperous and healthy year.
December 27, 2011 - Dr. Michael Warren

Surrounded by angels from all across the world
Cathy Gillentine is surrounded by angels from all across the world.
December 26, 2011 - Cathy Gillentine

Lafitte Society celebrates marine-themed Christmas
The sounds of sea chantey’s filled the holiday air as members and guest of the island’s Laffite Society joined in a singalong.
December 25, 2011 - Frances Powell

Don’t leave out the true meaning of the holiday
The Daily News President and Publisher Patrick Graham writes about his experiences of Christmas in journalism.
December 25, 2011 - Patrick Graham

No suspense in that $25M decision
The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s vote to give $25 million in disaster-recovery funds to the GHA should come as no surprise.
December 25, 2011 - Heber Taylor

Marine response team needs help
The Galveston Marine Response group is in need of donations to help fund equipment and training.
December 23, 2011 - Peter Davis

A form or relaxation unknown to most men
Pedicures are not just for women. Men can benefit from a little foot care and relaxation, too.
December 20, 2011 - Dr. Michael Warren

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Heber Taylor

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Frances Powell

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