Maps of Occupation and Estimates of Acres Covered by Nonnative Invasive Plants in Southern Forests

Regional Maps of occupation and coverage estimates are accessible for 33 recognized nonnative plants invading forests of the 13 southern States using U.S. Forest Service's Southern Research Station Forest Inventory and Analysis data.

USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Task Force for the Assessment of Nonnative Invasive Species

The Southern Region Task Force for assessing nonnative invasive species (NNIS) was assembled in August 2006 to prioritize NNIS posing the highest threats to forests and grassland ecosystems in the South. The Task Force is comprised of specialist from all four branches of the Forest Service: National Forest System (NFS), Research and Development, State and Private Forestry, and Forest Health and Protection. The Task Force collaboratively compiled a list of the most potentially damaging invasive species from multiple existing databases and through surveys of Forest Service regional staff. Existing risk assessments for these NNIS were assembled for study. Through this process three databases were compiled of NNIS that currently or have potential to damage forest interiors, margins, openings, roadsides, waterways, and wetlands along with grasslands and special embedded habitats. These three databases as of June 2008 are available here for your use and review.

These are evolving databases and further assessments are underway.

For more information, submission of review comments, and for reporting new and potential invasives of the Southern Region please contact Alix Cleveland, Southern Region NNIS Coordinator, John Taylor, Integrated Pest Management Specialist, or James H. Miller, Research Invasive Species Ecologist. OR any member of the Task Force.