Response Planning

To prepare for rapid response to new wildland detections, we have compiled a list of sample invasive species response plans and other resources. Advanced preparation through mock detection exercises can also help clarify the roles and responsibilities of federal, state and local cooperators and fine-tune how agriculture, forestry and natural resource division would interact in the event of a new wildland detection.

USDA APHIS PPQ has regulatory authority to prevent interstate spread of damaging agents to protect natural, agricultural and horticultural resources. For more information on the federal P. ramorum regulation see APHIS regulations.

State agriculture agencies have the lead responsibility to respond to new detections of Phytophthora ramorum in their state. Check the directory of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture for whom to contact in your state.

The USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection is responsible for developing, implementing, and promoting innovative management strategies in response to threats to the nation’s forests, such as sudden oak death/Phytophthora ramorum. They conduct programs that provide matching funds and technical assistance for forest health problems. Learn more at Forest Health Protection online.



A Decision-Making Guide for Invasives Species Program Managers – This guide was prepared to assist senior level program managers and policy makers in establishing priorities and making choices for invasive species management programs. It focuses on the management of invasive species once they have arrived.

Strategies for Effective State Early Detection/Rapid Response Programs for Plant Pests and Pathogens – a May 2007 report from The Nature Conservancy and Environmental Law Institute

The Address P. ramorum Initiative of the Continental Dialogue on Non-native Forest Insects & Disease

The  Address P. ramorum Initiative works with private industry and public sector partners to encourage a collaborative, integrated effort to prevent the spread of P. ramorum to uninfested areas, and particularly to prevent its establishment in the wild in areas remote from current wildland/suburban/urban infestations.

National Association of State Foresters, Preparing for Invasive Species Outbreaks, A Workbook for State Foresters

Example response plans for invasive forest pests

o      Idaho

o      Note from Kansas – training

o      Maryland

o      Massachusetts

o      National Park Service


An organizational chart that can be used as a starting point for dealing with invasive species of any kind

Slideshow on preparing for invasive species by Mark Stanley, COMTF Chair

Related links

National Plant Disease Recovery System

National Plant Diagnostic network

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