Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Statewide Risk Mapping for Early Detection

Example map

Visit our new CalWeedMapper site for updated risk maps!

Cal-IPC's risk maps combine distribution data (based on feedback from local experts) with predicted range data (based on climatic modeling). The state's Weed Management Areas (WMAs) are key partners, providing local experts who define where each invasive plant species grows and does not grow in their area. Predicted range is modeled using the species environmental requirements.

In 2010 and 2011, Cal-IPC is meeting with WMA partners to collect higher-resolution distribution data. We are also strengthening our modeling approach, and building an online tool to help land managers find useful information from the maps. We encourage you to participate! For information, contact Mapping Program Manager Dana Morawitz

Below you can access distribution maps for 200 species. Those with predicted range included (35 species) are included in the full lists, but are also pulled out separately in the third drop-down list.

Maps (by scientific name)

Maps (by common name)

Only Maps Showing Predicted Suitable Range


Thank you to the funders who have supported the work to create these maps, including:

  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • University of California, Integrated Pest Management Program
  • US Forest Service, State and Private Forestry
  • Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
  • Resources Legacy Fund
Cal-IPC is an equal-opportunity provider.