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Public information

Public Notices

The following are current public notices for Voluntary Remediation Program sites:

The Easton, Arlington, VA (VRP00475)

The following reports list VRP sites that have been issued certificates (completed sites) and VRP sites that are currently enrolled in the program (planned sites). For completed sites, if the site is not suitable for unrestricted use, the institutional control that is relied upon in the remedy is identified.

Completed Sites Report in Adobe PDF Format.

Planned Sites Report in Adobe PDF Format.

Institutional Controls

Restrictions on future use of a site may be required to meet remediation levels that present no unacceptable risk to human health and/or the environment. Institutional controls are legal or contractual restrictions on property use that remain effective after remediation is completed and are used to satisfy remediation levels. The certificate of satisfactory completion of remediation is contingent on any proposed institutional controls being recorded as deed restrictions. These deed restrictions "run with the land" and would apply to future owners as well.

The Completed Sites Report lists sites that have been issued a certificate and the institutional controls that have been recorded for those sites.  The institutional controls are keyed as follows:

GW - Groundwater use restrictions have been recorded

RES - Residential use restrictions have been recorded  

EX - Restrictions on excavation below the land surface have been recorded

OTHER - Other restrictions on land use have been recorded

NONE - No restrictions have been recorded

The Land Use Control Web Ring links together Web pages and data from federal, state, and local governments as well as researchers, non-profits and others addressing land use control issues.

 Website (Exits VDEQ)

VRP database summaries

The Voluntary Remediation Program Database Summaries are now available on-line in Adobe PDF format for the following quarters:

Third and Fourth Quarter 2008

Second Quarter 2008

First Quarter 2008

Third and Fourth Quarter 2007

Second Quarter 2007

First Quarter 2007

Fourth Quarter 2006

Third Quarter 2006

Second Quarter 2006

Fourth Quarter 2005

Third Quarter 2005

Second Quarter 2005

First Quarter 2005

Fourth Quarter 2004

Third Quarter 2004

Second Quarter 2004


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