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ICES Cooperative Research Reports

This series presents reports prepared by ICES Working Groups, Expert Groups, and ad hoc groups.

Publication of reports is approved by resolution submitted to the Publications Committee and SCICOM. Reports are evaluated by a specialist in the relevant field and by the series editor. Further editorial and formatting work is undertaken by the ICES Secretariat before the report is published in printed and electronic forms.

Printed copies can be ordered at a nominal cost from the ICES Secretariat, and electronic copies of the most recent reports can be downloaded without charge through the links below.

Series Editor: Emory Anderson

ICES Order Form

Reports published after 1990: (or jump to reports pre-1990)

No. 310 ICES Status Report on Climate Change in the North Atlantic. 2011. DKK 200. View CRR 310
No. 309 ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2010. 2011. DKK 120. View CRR 309
No. 308 Sediment dynamics in relation to sediment trend monitoring. 2011. DKK 60. View CRR 308
No. 307 ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2008/2009. 2011. DKK 190. View CRR 307
No. 306 Life-cycle spatial patterns of small pelagic fish in the Northeast Atlantic. 2010. DKK 110. View CRR 306
No. 305 Cod and future climate change. 2010. DKK 90. View CRR 305
No. 304 ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2009. 2010. DKK 90. View CRR 304
No. 303 Cephalopod biology and fisheries in Europe. 2010. DKK 100. View CRR 303
No. 302 Integrated ecosystem assessments of seven Baltic Sea areas covering the last three decades. 2010. DKK 120. View CRR 302
No. 301 Resolving climate impacts on fish stocks. (Eds). 2010. DKK 210. View CRR 301
No. 300 Proceedings of the "Joint ICES/CIESM Workshop to Compare Zooplankton Ecology and Methodologies between the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic (WKZEM)". 2010. DKK 70. View CRR 300
No. 299: Alien Species Alert: Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster). 2009. DKK 50. View CRR 299
No. 298: ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2008. 2009. DKK 100.00. View CRR 298. See also ICES Report on Ocean Climate (high resolution file)
No. 297: Effects of extraction of marine sediments on the marine environment 1998–2004. 2009. DKK 120.00. View CRR 297
No. 296: Definition of standard data-exchange format for sampling, landings, and effort data from commercial fisheries. 2009. DKK 60.00.
View CRR 296
No. 295: Manual of recommended practices for modelling physical – biological interactions during fish early life. 2009. DKK 70.00. View CRR 295
No. 294: Hake age estimation: state of the art and progress towards a solution. 2009. DKK 50.00. View CRR 294
No. 293:

The effect of climate change on the distribution and abundance of marine species in the OSPAR Maritime Area. 2008. DKK 170.00 View CRR 293 (View high resolution file)

No. 292:

ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2006/2007. 2008. DKK 150.00 View CRR 292

No. 291:

ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2007. 2008. DKK 30.00 View CRR 291
See also ICES Report on Ocean Climate (high resolution file)

No. 290:

Changes in surface CO2 and ocean pH in ICES shelf sea ecosystems. 2008. DKK 70.00 View CRR 290

No. 289:

ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2006. 2007. DKK 70.00 View CRR 289
See also ICES Report on Ocean Climate (high resolution files)

No. 288:

Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. 2007. DKK 350.00. View CRR 288

No. 287:

Collection of acoustic data from fishing vessels. 2007. DKK 60.00. View CRR 287

No. 286:

Acoustic seabed classification of marine physical and biological landscapes. 2007. DKK 130.00. View CRR 286

No. 285:

Results of the Spring 2004 North Sea Ichthyoplankton Surveys. The Distribution of Fish Eggs and Larvae from the International Ichthyoplankton Survey. 2007. DKK 60.00. View CRR 285

No. 284:

Status of Introductions of Non-indigenous Marine Species to the North Atlantic and Adjacent Waters 1992-2002. 2007. DKK 80.00. View CRR 284

No. 283:

Alien Species Alert: Undaria pinnatifida (wakame or Japanese kelp). 2007. DKK 60.00. View CRR 283

No. 282:

Incorporation of Process Information into Stock-recruitment Models. 2006. DKK 80.00. View CRR 282

No. 281:

ICES Zooplanktion Status Report 2004/2005. 2006. DKK 90.00. View CRR 281

No. 280:

ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2005. 2006. DKK 70.00. View CRR 280

No. 279:

Protocol for the use of an objective mesh gauge for scientific purposes. 2005. DKK 40.00. View CRR 279

No. 278:

Description of the ICES HAC Standard Data Exchange Format, Version 1.60. 2005. DKK 60.00. View CRR 278

No. 277:

The intentional introduction of the marine red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus into the Southern Barents Sea. 2005. DKK 60.00. View CRR 277

No. 276:

Zooplankton monitoring results in the ICES area: summary status report 2003/2004. 2005. DKK 80.00 View CRR 276

No. 275:

The Annual ICES Ocean Climate Status Summary 2004/2005. 2005. DKK 80.00. View CRR 275

No. 274:

Spawning and Life History Information for North Atlantic Cod Stocks. 2005. DKK 90.00 View CRR 274

No. 273:

Guidance on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Management of Human Activities in the European Marine Environment. 2005. DKK 40.00. View CRR 273

No. 272:

Ecosystem Effects of Fishing: Impacts, Metrics, and Management Strategies. 2005. DKK 70.00 View CRR 272

No. 271:

Vector Pathways and the Spread of Exotic Species in the Sea. 2005. DKK 60.00. View CRR 271

No. 270:

The Nephrops Fisheries of the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean - A review and assessment of fishing gear design. 2004. DKK 50.00 View CRR 270

No. 269:

The Annual ICES Ocean Climate Status Summary 2003/2004. 2004. DKK 60.00. View CRR 269

No. 268:

The DEPM Estimation of Spawning-Stock Biomass for Sardine and Anchovy. 2004. DKK 90.00 View CRR 268

No. 267:

Report of the Thirteenth ICES Dialogue Meeting: Advancing scientific advice for an ecosystem approach to management: collaborating amongst managers, scientists, and other stakeholders. Dublin, Ireland 26-27 April 2004. 2004. DKK 50.00. View CRR 267

No. 266:

Mesh Size Measurements Revisited. 2004. DKK 80.00 View CRR 266

No. 265:

Trends in important diseases affecting the culture of fish and molluscs in the ICES area 1998-2002. 2004. DKK 40.00. View CRR 265

No. 264:

Alien Species Alert: Rapana venosa (veined whelk). 2004. DKK 50.00 View CRR 264

No. 263:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 2003. 2003. DKK 150.00. View CRR 263

No. 262:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Ecosystems, 2003. 2003. DKK 170.00. View CRR 262

No. 261:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 2003. 2003. DKK 430.00. View CRR 261

No. 260:

Stockholm 1999 Centenary Lectures. 2003. DKK 170.00. View CRR 260

No. 259:

The 2002/2003 ICES Annual Ocean Climate Status Summary. 2003. DKK 150.00. View CRR 259

No. 258:

Seabirds as Monitors of the Marine Environment. 2003. DKK 200.00.View CRR 258

No. 257:

Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference. 2003. DKK 420.00 .View CRR 257

No. 256:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 2002. 2002. DKK 270.00.View CRR 256

No. 255:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 2002. 2002. DKK 1200.00. View CRR 255 Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

No. 254:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Ecosystems, 2002. 2002. DKK 250.00.View CRR 254

No. 253:

ICES Science 1979-1999: The View from a Younger Generation. 2002. DKK 170.00. View CRR 253

No. 252:

Report of the ICES/GLOBEC Workshop on the Dynamics of Growth in Cod. 2002. DKK 220.00.View CRR 252

No. 251:

The Annual ICES Ocean Climate Status Summary 2001/2002. 2002. DKK 180.00. View CRR 251

No. 250:

ICES/GLOBEC Sea-going Workshop for Intercalibration of Plankton Samplers. 2002. DKK 190.00. View CRR 250

No. 249:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Ecosystems, 2001. 2001. DKK 200.00. View CRR 249.

No. 248:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 2001. 2001. DKK 310.00. View CRR 248.

No. 247:

Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediments on the Marine Ecosystem. 2001. DKK 200.00. View CRR 247

No. 246:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 2001. 2001. DKK 1170.00. View CRR 246

No. 245:

The Annual ICES Ocean Climate Status Summary 2000/2001. 2002. DKK 150.00. View CRR 245

No. 244:

Workshop on Gadoid Stocks in the North Sea during the 1960s and 1970s. The Fourth ICES/GLOBEC Backward-Facing Workshop, 1999. 2001. DKK 160.00. View CRR 244

No. 243:

Report of the 12th ICES Dialogue Meeting (First Environmental Dialogue Meeting). 2001. DKK 130.00. View CRR 243

No. 242:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 2000. 2001. DKK 1100.00. View CRR 242 Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

No. 241:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 2000. 2000. DKK 370.00. View CRR 241

No. 240:

Report of the Young Scientists Conference on Marine Ecosystem Perspectives. 2000. DKK 170.00. View CRR 240

No. 239:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1999. 2000. DKK 350.00. View CRR 239

No. 238:

Report on Echo Trace Classification. 2000. DKK 200.00. View CRR 238.

No. 237:

Seventh Intercomparison Exercise on Trace Metals in Sea Water. 2000. DKK 190.00 View CRR 237

No. 236:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1999. 2000. DKK 920.00 View CRR 236 Part 1  Part 2

No. 235:

Methodology for Target Strength Measurements (With special reference to in situ techniques for fish and mikronekton).1999. View CRR 235

No. 234:

Report of the Workshop on Ocean Climate of the NW Atlantic during the 1960s and 1970s and Consequences for Gadoid Populations. 1999. DKK 180.00. View CRR 234.

No. 233:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment 1998. 1999. View CRR 233

No. 232:

Diets of Seabirds and Consequences of Changes in Food Supply. 1999. DKK 170.00. View CRR 232.

No. 231:

Status of Introductions of Non-Indigenous Marine Species to North Atlantic Waters 1981-1991. 1999. DKK 190.00. View CRR 231.

No. 230:

Working Group on Methods of Fish Stock Assessment. Reports of Meetings in 1993 and 1995. 1999. DKK 330.00

No. 229:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1998. 1999. DKK 900.00 View CRR 229 Part 1  Part 2

No. 228:

Report of the 11th ICES Dialogue Meeting on the Relationship Between Scientific Advice and Fisheries Management, 1999. 1999. DKK 140.00 View CRR 228

No. 227:

Tenth ICES Dialogue Meeting (Fisheries and Environment in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Region: Can the Living Resources Be Better Utilized), 1995. 1999. DKK 130.00 View CRR 227

No. 226:

Report on the Results of the ICES/IOC/OSPARCOM Intercomparison Programme on the Determination of Chlorobiphenyl Congeners in Marine Media - Steps 3a, 3b, 4 and Assessment. 1998. DKK 250.00

No. 225:

North Atlantic - Norwegian Sea Exchanges: The ICES NANSEN Project. 1998. DKK 320.00

No. 224:

Ballast Water: Ecological and Fisheries Implications. 1998. DKK 230.00

No. 223:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1997. 1997. DKK 760.00 View CRR 223 Part 1  Part 2

No. 222:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1997. 1997. DKK 250.00 View CRR 222

No. 221:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1996. 1997. DKK 660.00 View CRR 221 Part 1  Part 2

No. 220:

Guide to the Identification of North Sea Fish Using Premaxillae and Vertebrae. 1997. DKK 560.00 View CRR 220

No. 219:

Database Report of the Stomach Sampling Project, 1991. 1997. DKK 410.00 View CRR 219

No. 218:

Atlas of North Sea Benthic Infauna. 1997. DKK 210.00

No. 217:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1996. 1996. DKK 210.00

No. 216:

Seabird/Fish Interactions, with Particular Reference to Seabirds in the North Sea. 1996. DKK 140.00. View CRR 216

No. 215:

Manual of Methods of Measuring the Selectivity of Towed Fishing Gears. 1996. (Out of print) View CRR 215

No. 214:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1995. 1996. DKK 1200.00 View CRR 214 Part 1 Part 2

No. 213:

Report of the Results of the Fifth ICES Intercomparison Exercise for Nutrients in Sea Water. 1995. DKK 125.00

No. 212:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment. 1995. DKK 175.00

No. 211:

Intercalibration Exercise on the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Acids in Artemia and Marine Samples Used in Mariculture. 1995. DKK 90.00

No. 210:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1994. 1995. DKK 575.00 View CRR 210 Part 1 Part 2

No. 209:

Underwater Noise of Research Vessels: Review and Recommendations. 1995. DKK 115.00
View CRR 209. NB: Guidelines related to CRR 209

No. 208:

Results of the 1990/1991 Baseline Study of Contaminants in North Sea Sediments. 1995. DKK 225.00

No. 207:

Report on the Results of the ICES/IOC/OSPARCOM Intercomparison Programme on the Analysis of Chlorobiphenyls in Marine Media - Step 2 and the Intercomparison Programme on the Analysis of PAHs in Marine Media - Stage 1. 1995. DKK 150.00

No. 206:

Dynamics of Upwelling in the ICES Area. 1995. DKK 125.00

No. 205:

Spawning and Life History Information for North Atlantic Cod Stocks 1994. DKK 190.00

No. 204:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1994. 1994. DKK 165.00. See also Annex 3 update.

No. 203:

Joint Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management and the Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1994. 1994. DKK 75.00

No. 202:

Chemicals Used in Mariculture. 1994. DKK 150.00

No. 201:

Patchiness in the Baltic Sea (Symposium proceedings, Mariehamn, 1991). 1994. DKK 150.00.

No. 200:

Report of the Study Group on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities, 1992. 1994. DKK 165.00

No. 199:

Report of the Working Group on Methods of Fish Stock Assessments, 1991. 1994. DKK 190.00

No. 198:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, 1993. Part 1 and Part 2. 1994. DKK 100.00

No. 197:

Ninth ICES Dialogue Meeting - "Atlantic Salmon: A Dialogue". 1994. DKK 140.00

No. 196:

Reports of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1993 (Part 1 and Part 2). 1994. DKK 475.00 View CRR 196 Part 1 Part 2

No. 195:

Report of the Workshop on the Applicability of Spatial Statistical Techniques to Acoustic Survey Data. 1993. DKK 100.00 View CRR 195

No. 194:

Atlas of North Sea Fishes. 1993. (out of print) View CRR 194

No. 193:

Reports of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1992, Part 1 and Part 2. 1993. DKK 425.00 View CRR 193 Part 1  Part 2

No. 192:

Report of the Baltic Salmon Scale Reading Workshop. 1993. DKK 85.00

No. 191:

Reports of Working Group on Methods of Fish Stock Assessment. 1993. DKK 215.00

No. 190:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution, 1992. 1992. DKK 170.00

No. 189:

ICES Seventh Round Intercalibration for Trace Metals in Biological Tissue ICES 7/TM/BT (Part 2). 1992. DKK 110.00

No. 188:

Atlantic Salmon Scale Reading Guidelines. 1992. DKK 65.00

No. 187:

Acoustic Survey Design and Analysis Procedures: A Comprehensive Review of Current Practice. 1992. (out of print)View CRR 187

No. 186:

Report of the Eighth Dialogue Meeting, 13-14 September 1991. 1992. DKK 90.00

No. 185:

Report of the ICES-IOC Study Group Meeting on Models for Recruitment Processes, Paris, 7-11 May 1991. 1992. DKK 50.00

No. 184:

Report of the Second ICES Intercomparison Exercise on the Determination of Trace Metals in Suspended Particulate Matter, by H. Hovind and J. Skei. 1992. DKK 40.00

No. 183:

Report on the Results of the ICES/IOC/OSPARCOM Intercomparison Exercise on the Analysis of Chlorobiphenyl Congerners in Marine Media - Step 1 and the Intercomparison Study of the Determination of CBs in Baltic Herring Oil. 1992. DKK 65.00

No. 182:

Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediments on Fisheries. 1992. DKK 95.00 View CRR 182

No. 181:

Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms on Mariculture and Marine Fisheries. 1992. DKK 45.00

No. 180:

Review of Contaminants in Baltic Sediments. 1992. DKK 90.00

No. 179:

Reports of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1991, Part 1 and 2. 1992. DKK 295.00 View CRR 179 Part 1 Part 2

No. 178:

A Review of Measurements of Trace Metals in Coastal and Shelf Sea Water Samples Collected by ICES and JMP Laboratories during 1985-1987. 1991. DKK 55.00

No. 177:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution, 1991. 1991. DKK 80.00

No. 176:

Statistical Analysis of the ICES Cooperative Monitoring Programme Data on Contaminants in Fish Liver Tissue and Mytilus edulis (1978-1988) for the Determination of Temporal Trends. 1991. DKK 100.00

No. 175:

The Chrysochromulina polylepis Bloom in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat in May-June 1988: Environmental Conditions, Possible Causes, and Effects. 1991. DKK 50.00

No. 174:

Report on the results of the Fourth Intercomparison Exercise for Nutrients in Sea Water. 1991. DKK 65.00

No. 173:

Reports of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fisheries Management, 1990, Part 1 and 2. 1991. DKK 160.00 View CRR 173 Part 1 Part 2

No. 172:

Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Marine Pollution, 1990. 1990. DKK 80.00

No. 171:

Report of the 7th Dialogue Meeting, 28 November 1989. 1990. DKK 50.00

No. 170:

Report of the ICES 14C Primary Production Intercomparison Exercise. 1990. DKK 45.00

No. 169:

Report of the Sprat Biology Workshop. 1990. DKK 65.00

No. 168:

Reports of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management, 1989. 1990. DKK 145.00

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