Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems - Home
  • Raise awareness about food security
    Glossary: food security
    A situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
  • FIVIMS- Better Information for Targeted Action in Hunger Reduction
    More than 800 million people world-wide suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition
    Glossary: malnutrition
    An abnormal physiological condition caused by deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in energy, protein and/or other nutrients. 
    .  Some progress in hunger reduction and improving the nutritional status
    Glossary: nutritional status
    The physiological state of an individual that results from the relationship between nutrient intake and requirements and from the body's ability to digest, absorb and use these nutrients.
    of men, women and children is being achieved.  Nevertheless, insufficient investment aimed at reducing food insecurity
    Glossary: food insecurity
    A situation that exists when people lack secure  access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal  growth and development and an active and healthy life. It may be caused  by the unavailability of food, insufficient purchasing power,  inappropriate distribution, or inadequate use of food at the household  level. Food insecurity, poor conditions of health and sanitation, and  inappropriate care and feeding practices are the major causes of poor  nutritional status. Food insecurity may be chronic, seasonal or  transitory. 
    , hunger and malnutrition in many developing countries means that World Food Summit (WFS) and Millennium Development Goal
    Glossary: Millennium Development Goal
    The Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that 189 United Nations member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The Millennium Development Goals derive from earlier "international development goals", and were officially established at the Millennium Summit in 2000, where 189 world leaders adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration, from which the eight-goal action plan, the "Millennium Development Goals", was particularly promoted. 
     (MDG) targets are unlikely to be achieved by the year 2015.  
    News & Highlights
    Launch of the "State of Food Insecurity in the World 2008"
    High Food Prices and food security
    Glossary: food security
    A situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
    - threats and opportunities

    The State of food insecurity
    Glossary: food insecurity
    A situation that exists when people lack secure  access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal  growth and development and an active and healthy life. It may be caused  by the unavailability of food, insufficient purchasing power,  inappropriate distribution, or inadequate use of food at the household  level. Food insecurity, poor conditions of health and sanitation, and  inappropriate care and feeding practices are the major causes of poor  nutritional status. Food insecurity may be chronic, seasonal or  transitory. 
    in the World 2008 presents the latest statistics on global undernourishement. It reviews the impact of high food prices and concludes that chronic hunger in the world has increased rapidly, now affecting well over 900 million people, and placing tremendous pressure on achieving hunger reduction targets set by 2015 by the 1996 World Food Summit and as agreed under the first Millenium Development Goal.  
    For more information and for the full report, please click here
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    The State of Food Insecurity in the World - SOFI State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI)
    Report on global and national efforts to reach the World Food Summit and Millennium Development Goals on hunger reduction
    » Previous Editions
    The FAO Hunger Map The Hunger Map
    FAO estimates of undernourishment
    Glossary: undernourishment
    Food intake that is insufficient to meet dietary energy requirements continuously.
    as a measure of hunger or food deprivation.
    » Other maps
    Nutrition Country Profiles Nutrition Country Profiles

    The food and nutrition situation in countries

    Key Indicator Data System Key Indicator Data System

    KIDS comprises a set of tools which make up the core of numerous FAO GIS applications

    Geonetwork Geonetwork

    The portal to spatial data and information

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