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 Argentina: unfavourable prospects for 2009 cereal production
 Desert Locust Warning: Yemen, East Africa, India, Pakistan
 Sri Lanka update
 Eritrea update
 Food prices remain high in developing countries
 New FAO food price database launched
 Somalia - Post-Deyr Nutrition situation
 Cereal Supply/demand balances for sub-Saharan Africa
Latest Publications:
Special Report, Zimbabwe, June 09
Food Outlook, June 2009
Global Watch
   Countries in crisis requiring external assistance
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     Shortfall in aggregate food production/supplies
     Widespread lack of access
     Severe localized food insecurity
  Link to the FAO Hunger Map  
Early Warning Indicators
    Global cereal supply and demand brief
   International Cereal Prices
  Cereal Supply/Demand Balances for Sub-Saharan Africa
  Estimated Cereal Import Requirements of LIFDCs
High Food Prices: Policy Measures, by Country
FAQs-Current Food Situation
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