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Introduction to ICES Publications

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea produces a variety of publications reflecting its commitment to excellence and the diversity of ICES concerns. Many of these publications can be found on this website in PDF format for gratis download and viewing.

ICES issued its first publication within a year of its foundation. Since then, it has published thousands more, including many that are now considered to be the standard references in their fields.

ICES Journal of Marine Science
(Journal du Conseil)
The ICES Journal of Marine Science constitutes a primary source for articles on fishery-oriented marine science and is a standard reference for work in the fields of ecology, population studies, plankton research, and physical and chemical oceanography, among others. Since January 2007, the Journal has been published by Oxford University Press.

ICES Advice
The ICES Advice, annually presents information from the Advisory Committee (ACOM). The advice is based on an Ecosystem Approach to management.

ICES Cooperative Research Report
(Rapport des Recherches Collectives)

This series presents reports prepared by ICES Working Groups, Advisory Committees, and ad hoc groups, and edited reports on cooperative research activities organized by the Council.

Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences
Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences presents detailed descriptions of methods and procedures relating to chemical and biological measurements in the marine environment.

ICES Identification Leaflets for Plankton
(Fiches d’Identification du Plancton)

This series furnish keys, in a standardized form, for the identification of the major plankton species in the North Atlantic.

ICES Identification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish
(Fiches d’Identification des Maladies et Parasites des Poissons, Crustacés et Mollusques)

Intended to serve as diagnostic aids, numbers in this series present, in a standardized format, information about the most important diseases and parasites of fish and shellfish in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas.

ICES Fisheries Statistics
Included are nominal catch statistics for the Northeast Atlantic for 1973-2000, presented using FishStat Plus software, as well as catch statistics for the entire Atlantic for 1950-1998.

ICES Marine Science Symposia
(Actes du Symposium)
This series contains the scientific papers and proceedings of Symposia and Special Meetings held under the auspices of ICES independently or in collaboration with cooperating organizations.

ICES Annual Reports
ICES Annual Reports recap ICES work and financial position.

ICES CM Documents
Papers presented at ICES Annual Science Conferences since 1994 are collected here.

ICES Newsletters
ICES Newsletters from years past are archived here.


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ICES Identification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shell Fish
ILD No. 30 - Dermo disease of oysters caused by Perkinsus marinus. View IDL No. 30

ILD No. 38 - MSX disease of oysters caused by Haplosporidium nelsoni. View IDL No. 38

ILD No. 39 - SSO disease of oysters caused by Haplosporidium costale. View IDL No. 39

ILD No. 57 - Roseovarius Oyster Disease (ROD) caused by Roseovarius crassostreae. 2011. View No. 57

ICES Insight Issue Number 48 - September 2011

CRR 310 ICES Status Report on Climate Change in the North Atlantic. 2011. View CRR 310

CRR 309 ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2010. 2011. View CRR 309

CRR 308 Sediment dynamics in relation to sediment trend monitoring. 2011. View CRR 308

CRR 307 ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2008/2009. 2011. View CRR 307


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