Funding Opportunities

Commerical oyster farmers in Pt. Judith Rhode Island

Key scientific, environmental, and socio-economic questions for marine aquaculture are being answered with the help of the NOAA National Marine Aquaculture Initiative competitive grants program. [credit: NOAA Aquaculture Program]

NOAA and other federal agencies administer a variety of competitive grant programs and other financial assistance programs targeted to the development of sustainable aquaculture in the United States. Areas of interest include aquaculture research, technology development, and the commercial development of the domestic aquaculture industry. The programs below outline NOAA-managed funding opportunities for aquaculture and funding opportunities available through other agencies or venues.


NOAA Competitive Grants Programs for Aquaculture

  • The National Marine Aquaculture Initiative - A national competitive grant program coordinated by NOAA and administered by Sea Grant, the National Marine Aquaculture Initiative encourages demonstration projects and research targeted to the development of sustainable marine aquaculture in the United States. The competition is designed to foster dynamic partnerships that channel resources toward the development of sustainable aquaculture technologies. Projects often involve partnerships among commercial companies, research institutions, universities, state governments, and coastal communities.

  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program - The SBIR Program, administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration, supports creative advanced research in scientific and engineering areas, including aquaculture, and encourages the commercial application of government-funded research. SBIR awards lead to major breakthroughs, innovative technologies, and next-generation products and processes. Information on eligibility, the application process, and contacts can be found here. The funding solicitation for fiscal year 2011 can be found here.

  • Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program - Since 1990 the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program has included aquaculture as a priority to fund projects that encourage the development of environmentally and economically sound aquaculture, relieve fishing pressure, and improve market availability. Click here to see a bibliography of information on project reports or products prepared under the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program since 1990. In recent years, this competitive grant program has been canceled due to insufficient funding, but it will be funded (contingent on the appropriations process) for FY 2009.

  • Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN) Program – MARFIN is a competitive federal assistance program that funds projects seeking to optimize research and development benefits from U.S. marine fishery resources in the Southeast Region through cooperative efforts involving the best research and management talents to accomplish priority activities.  The intent is to focus projects funded by MARFIN into cooperative efforts that provide clear answers for fishery needs covered by the NOAA Fisheries Service Strategic Plan.  Funding priorities for MARFIN are formulated from recommendations received from non-Federal scientific and technical experts and from NOAA Fisheries Service research and operations officials.

NOAA Financial Assistance Programs

  • NOAA Fisheries Finance Program - NOAA Fisheries Financial Services Division manages a national financial assistance program in the form of direct loans, a tax-deferred capital construction fund, and vessel and gear loss and damage. Aquaculture businesses are eligible for loans for capital construction and certain other investment costs. Clicking on the link above will take you to a description of each NOAA Fisheries financial assistance program.

Programs Offered Through Other Federal Agencies

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