Monitoring weather and climate from space

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Lithuania signs accession agreement with EUMETSAT
At the end of December 2011, Lithuania signed the accession agreement to become a full Member State of EUMETSAT by 1 January 2014, subject to ratification by the Lithuanian parliament.
Meteosat-9 image over Africa
Supporting satellite training in Africa
Home to more than one billion people, all of Africa can be seen from EUMETSAT’s geostationary satellites, every 15 minutes. EUMETSAT supports training in the continent to improve the use of the information from the satellites.
CGMS-39 report
Report of CGMS-39 now published
The final report of the 39th session of the plenary meeting of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) 2011 is now available online.
Estonia signs accession agreement with EUMETSAT
The Republic of Estonia today signed the accession agreement to become a full Member State of EUMETSAT.
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