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System in place to try to minimize impact of oil in Lake Pontchartrain

Published: Monday, July 05, 2010, 8:55 PM     Updated: Tuesday, July 06, 2010, 4:20 PM

To the east of Lake Pontchartrain, lines of boom wrap around the farthest reaches of St. Bernard Parish, curve across the approaches to Lake Borgne and lie along shorelines.

barges-rigolets.JPGBarges are positioned across the Bayou Rigolets cut to stop the flow of oil. Barges are positioned at six such cuts.

Floating barriers stretch across the Rigolets and Chef Menteur Pass, the deep waterways that connect lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne.

And closer to Lake Pontchartrain, huge barges sit across those passes, forming imposing walls.

With Monday's dismal news that oil had washed ashore as far west as Treasure Isle in Slidell, that multi-layered defense set up by officials from St. Tammany Parish and New Orleans will now be put to the test.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who visited the cleanup site Monday, said crews were picking up the mess as quickly as weather permitted.

"We have always asserted that this is going to be a long, tough slog, but I remain confident that every asset we have available is being deployed to protect the lake."

St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis, who also surveyed operations in his parish, said officials are watching carefully to see where the oil could show up next.

"We are actively monitoring Lake Borgne, Lake Catherine and Lake Pontchartrain, and using the models to best deploy assets where they will be needed. This is a fight we are committed to, and one which will require both time and resources."

John Lopez, of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, said the oil spotted in the lake has been in very small amounts.

"I don't want to be alarmist," he said. "I think what we'll see will be very modest, and there's a lot of protective measures."

Lopez, working with a researchers at the University of New Orleans' Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences, has been studying models that try to predict the future flow of oil.

Though the model only predicts several days at a time, Lopez said the amount of time it will take to clean up the oil in the Gulf even after the Deepwater Horizon well is capped, as well as the flow of water in the area, suggest that oil could continue to enter the lake.

The biggest danger comes from oil now spread along the coast from Mississippi to Florida, which can be pushed into the lake by the easterly winds, experts said. On Friday, that oil had reached as far as Cat Island off the Mississippi coast. By Monday, winds had carried the contamination through the Rigolets and Chef Menteur Pass to the shores of Slidell.

East of Cat Island, the oil tends to churn in a pattern that moves it east and west along the coastline, largely keeping it away from the lake, Lopez said. However, if the oil is pushed farther west by wind or other factors, models suggest tidal forces will pull it toward Lake Pontchartrain, he said.

Nan Walker, associate professor at Louisiana State University's Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, agreed that winds provide the driving force to push oil to the lake. The biggest concern for the lake, as well as the rest of the Louisiana coast, is the prevalence of easterly summer winds. The area had been fortunate in that those winds had been largely absent this summer, Walker said.
But strong east and southeast winds are believed to be the reason the oil made it into the lake this weekend.

"I hate to be the bearer of doom, but I can't expect that kind of wind pattern to hold the whole summer," said Walker, whose Earth Scan Lab is tracking the spread of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

boom-rigolets.JPGPelicans rest atop a warning sign in the Rigolets. St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu toured the Rigolets Thursday, where protective boom and barges are being staged to stop the flow of oil coming from the Gulf of Mexico into Lake Pontchartrain.

Environmental groups, including the Basin Foundation, spent decades restoring the formerly polluted lake and have struggled to maintain its water quality.

As a result, many people have deeper feelings about Lake Pontchartrain than other bodies of water in the area, said Anne Rheams, executive director of the Basin Foundation.

"The lake is one of those bodies of water that people have an emotional attachment to," she said.

The Basin Foundation is doing water-quality studies in the lake and has set out "oil sentinels" made of absorbent material to check for contamination.

To protect the lake, officials are constructing four lines of barriers that begin with booms and include barges that can be moved into position as a last ditch effort to block off the waterways that lead into the lake. The barges provide protection that booms cannot, as they can block oil at least 6 feet below the waterline.

On Friday, Davis announced that 9,000 feet of permeable boom, which allows water to pass through but blocks oil, will be added to the 30 miles of traditional boom.

After a boat tour of the lines of fortification Thursday, Landrieu praised the proactive defense, which begins as far east as Isle au Pitre and stretches south nearly to Plaquemines Parish.

"We have the capacity to fight it way out," Landrieu said. "We think we have enough assets."

Crews are on hand to clean up the oil that makes it past the barriers, Davis and Landrieu said.

oil-protection-070610.jpgView full size

In addition to the man-made defenses, there are several hydrological factors protecting the lake from oil, Lopez said. Most of the oil flowing east of the Mississippi River is being carried at least as far east as Mississippi. Once there, the churning of the water gives the oil time to break down, making it less of a threat if it does reach the lake, he said.

The rivers that feed into Lake Pontchartrain also help, Walker said. The currents they produce can help to push oil out, though she warned that the rivers' flow tends to dry up throughout the summer and into the fall.

However, unknown factors could create serious problems for the lake. Though tests in the lake have come back clean, Walker said, it is difficult to gauge the effects of dispersants being used near the site of gushing well, 150 miles away from the lake. And a hurricane or tropical storm could render the booms ineffective, as water could wash over them.

Whatever amounts of oil or chemicals reach the lake, officials must be prepared for a long-term effort aimed at gauging the effects of the catastrophe, Rheams said.

"We need a lot of science and a lot of monitoring," she said.


Jeff Adelson can be reached at jadelson@timespicayune.com or 985.645.2852.

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hombre70069 July 06, 2010 at 9:11AM

Not to mention the fact that the river is about 5 feet below the level that would allow water to flow through the flood gates.

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beadhead July 06, 2010 at 5:40PM

What a sick little puppy, spewing nonsense like spittle.

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wispa July 05, 2010 at 9:16PM

Where did they think it was going to go?

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nolacreole July 05, 2010 at 9:44PM

When it hits the mighty miss...it will be coming out of the shower heads and toilets...don't drink the water....

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modeldon1 July 05, 2010 at 9:43PM

To little too late

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bkluvsnola July 05, 2010 at 10:41PM

If we would have had flood gates at the Rigolets then we could have closed them long before any oil got into Lake Pontchartrain.

Now, why can't we open the Bonnet Carre Spillway and get some freshwater into the Lake? That would push the tarballs out I believe.

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sevvy88 July 05, 2010 at 10:55PM

Look at all these stupid ass trolls going on about the Republicans and Democrats, and Obama, and Bush, and the endless political fingerpointing.

Keep going. Keep talking. Who cares? The spill has happened and now it's OUR problem. We can debate politics all day, but while you sit at your computers trolling forums like a typical tea-bagger, the environment is being ruined.

If this mess ever gets sorted out it certainly won't be thanks to you, you useless troll, whoever you are.

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ApockawayIV July 06, 2010 at 7:24AM

The eugenics program of destroying a major food supply is working quite well. We'll soon be the Dust Bowl of the new Great Depression. But unlike the old Dust Bowl our land won't be coming back anytime soon.

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Verity July 06, 2010 at 8:13AM

The Tar Balls are here,and there not going to leave,
and those who think otherwise,are a little naive

Soon someone will say,that they have a right,
to lay peacefully on our shores,all day and all night

That Tar Balls deserve respect,and a good home too,
for all that their ancestors, have surely gone through

Learn acceptance of Tar Balls, and diversity too,
after all- there just part of our- multicultural stew

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beadhead July 06, 2010 at 5:41PM


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vlcmna July 06, 2010 at 9:05AM

I'm so sorry. God bless you all BUT r u people retarded or what? OMG! U knew it was inevitable you've had 74 days to prepare! There is still 1.5-2.5 MILLIONS of oil being spewed into the Gulf DAILY! My heart still bleeds for Katrina victims even though levies were not the brightest of mankind's ideas. However, now ur like "Wah! tar balls on our beaches" DUH! You vote for a Governor that supports offshore drilling then when it backfires you enable the monsters that did this to you by acting oblivious. There should not be one tar ball on your beaches! Every single one of you should have been down to the beaches from the get go screaming your lungs out. Instead you'll start whining when your holiday weekend plans become ruined, there's no fresh fish @ the market and your hard earned tax dollars go to pay for the damage, in one way or another you'll cry when it hits your wallet. 74DAYS! It's been all over the media, in every newspaper ...did u think the BP fairy was going to wave its wand? If this were the 60's ...

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DreamsAmelia July 06, 2010 at 1:56PM

Thank you, vicma for a little tough love. We need something to wake EVERYONE in the U.S. out of their stupor. If you live on the East and West coasts or middle states, start with: 1) driving the SPEED LIMIT
2) telling your reps to STOP RAISING THE SPEED LIMIT TO 70, PUT IT BACK TO 55
3) Demand growth and development around subway, bus and train lines, and demand more of them
4) Personally, sell your SUVs and your McMansionS and go back to the city



FREAKING FREAK OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE, AND EVERYWHERE YOU GO until EVERYONE says NEVER AGAIN!! WE will NEVER ALLOW OIL TO DESECRATE OUR THOUSANDS OF MILES of shoreline, our fish, our birds, our homes, our lovely beaches and homes we slaved day and night to pay for...this is OUR COUNTRY, NOT ANY CORPORATION'S!!!
If all the hundreds of thousands of New Orleans residents march en masse to Lake Ponchatrain, you bet BP will stop its fascist 65-foot perimeter preventing ordinary citizens and journalists alike from chronicling the damage. The tar balls are spreading so far and so fast BP can no longer keep prying eyes off of every affected area.

But if people are in such an oil-induced coma they can't be bothered to stop speeding or get their big egos out of their sick fat mansions no matter where they live--- then guess what?? I hope the oil takes them down with the whole earth one way or the other. Cuz if this continues to happen, aint' no way the earth is gonna survive. Check back in 300 years. No hope in 1,000 without a total renunciation of fossil fuels starting NOW.

These issues were exactly the same in 1936---See _You Can't Take it with You_ with Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur if you wanna talk big money buying off politicians so they can screw millions of "little people." Every one in every generation and every situation always has a choice...be a cog in the corporate machine that churns out profit at the expense of everyone else and the survival of the planet, or unite with "the little people" and demand community, quality of life, safety first, and actual freedom.

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Gulchehra Shaymerdanova July 11, 2010 at 3:57PM

Hello everyone,

I live in Edmonton, Canada. And I really care about the our environment and wild life. I've seen some pictures of the wild lives in Louisiana. That is horrible how they(birds and fish) are dying, my heart bleeds, even I don't know what to say. I love wild creatures since child and that is so cruel who ruined our healthy environment. I'd like to thank to volunteers who is taking care of the wild life. I'm grateful for that.

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