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  • I've asked Debbie Wasserman Schultz to continue her excellent work as chair of the DNC. Thanks for all you do, Debbie. -bo
  • President Obama answers your questions on middle-class taxes

    If Congress doesn't act before the year is out, taxes for every single American will go up in 2013. For an average middle-class family of four, that could mean an extra $2,200 in taxes.

    Americans are taking to Twitter to support President Obama and Democrats' plan to extend the middle-class tax cuts, and this afternoon, President Obama joined in. Over at the White House Twitter account, he answered a few questions about what's at stake, what he's doing in the fight to extend middle-class tax cuts—and what you can do to help. Check it out.

    Share what $2,000 means to you here.

  • President Obama: “Let’s keep middle-class taxes low”

    President Obama explains what's at stake if Congress doesn't act to prevent a middle-class tax hike—and what you can do to spur your representatives to action.

    President Obama explains what's at stake if Congress doesn't act to prevent a middle-class tax hike—and what you can do to spur your representatives to action:

    "When enough people get involved, we have a pretty good track record of actually making Congress work. And that’s important, because this is our biggest challenge yet—and it’s one that we can only meet together.

    "So in the interest of making sure that everybody makes their voices heard, last week we asked people to tell us what would a $2,000 tax hike mean to them. Some families told us it would make it more difficult for them to send their kids to college. Others said it would make it tougher for them to cover the cost of prescription drugs. Some said it would make it tough for them to make their mortgage. …

    "So that’s what this debate is all about. And that’s why it’s so important that as many Americans as possible send a message that we need to keep moving forward. So today, I’m asking Congress to listen to the people who sent us here to serve. I’m asking Americans all across the country to make your voice heard: Tell members of Congress what a $2,000 tax hike would mean to you. Call your members of Congress, write them an email, post it on their Facebook walls. You can tweet it using the hashtag 'My2K.' …

    "I'm going to be visiting Pennsylvania on Friday to talk with folks at a small business there that are trying to make sure that they're filling their Christmas orders. And I’ll go anywhere and I'll do whatever it takes to get this done. It’s too important for Washington to screw this up. Now is the time for us to work on what we all agree to, which is let's keep middle-class taxes low. That’s what our economy needs. That's what the American people deserve."

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  • Share what $2,000 means to you

    In just a few weeks, every American family's taxes could automatically increase. For the average middle-class family of four, it could mean a $2,200 tax hike—which means less money to spend on groceries, prescriptions, rent, and tuition in the new year. Here's the good news: This problem has a solution. Right now, Congress can prevent middle-class taxes from going up in 2013 by extending the tax cut that gives every American a tax break on their first $250,000 of income.

    In just a few weeks, every American family's taxes could automatically increase. For the average middle-class family of four, it could mean a $2,200 tax hike—which means less money to spend on groceries, prescriptions, rent, and tuition in the new year.

    Here's the good news: This problem has a solution. Right now, Congress can prevent middle-class taxes from going up in 2013 by extending the tax cut that gives every American a tax break on their first $250,000 of income.

    The Senate has sent the House of Representatives a bill to do just that. Now, it's your turn to push this bill through the House. Speak out right now to keep taxes for 98 percent of American families and 97 percent of small businesses from going up. Share what $2,000 means to you and your family at http://www.whitehouse.gov/my2k, and if you're on Twitter, tell your story with the hashtag #My2K.

    Remember, one year ago, tens of thousands of everyday Americans called, tweeted, and emailed their members of Congress and asked them to do the right thing and protect the middle class. It worked.

    Your voice matters—but you have to use it.

    Share your story

  • The President's plan to keep your taxes low and reduce the deficit

    Right now, President Obama is working with leaders of both parties in Washington to reduce the deficit in a balanced way so we can lay the foundation for long-term middle-class job growth and prevent your taxes from going up.

    This is the President’s plan, but he’s not wedded to every detail. He is determined to work with Congress to find compromise and common ground. His guiding principle throughout this debate will be what’s best for the middle class. He’ll be fighting for you.

    These problems are challenging, but they're solvable. In fact, the Senate has already passed a bill to keep your taxes low, and the House needs to pass it and Congress should get it to the President as soon as possible. There's a lot at stake, and with your help we'll continue to move this country forward.

  • Election Night 2012

    Check out a slideshow of photos from Election Night 2012, as Team Obama celebrates the President's re-election in Chicago.

  • “I’m really proud of all of you”

    Every single person who helped build this campaign—volunteers, organizers, contributors—deserves to see this thank you from President Obama.

    Every single person who helped build this campaign deserves to see this thank-you video from President Obama. We couldn't have re-elected him without you.