Polly Toynbee

Polly Toynbee

@pollytoynbee London, UK
Polly Toynbee is a Guardian columnist, formerly BBC social affairs editor. Her latest book, with David Walker is The Verdict - Did Labour Change Britain?
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@ remember Peter Mandelson's Excalibur rebuttal unit?Being that back.
Ed Miliband
The PM is wasting £3.45bn on NHS restructuring whilst cutting 48000 nursing jobs. Tell him to drop his Health Bill:
Alastair Campbell
Guardian says Polly Toynbee of the view happiness deficit can only be met by fairer distribution of resources. Bulk of research says spot on
Polly Toynbee
Time for Labour shadow cabinet to roll up their sleeves and oppose bad policies with forensic facts: stop navel-gazing
Polly Toynbee
@ Ditto: chaos at Victoria, delayed and cancelled trains - bad day for fare hikes
Naveed Memon
@ Forked out just under £4k for season ticket. 1st train I try to catch cancelled. 2nd is currently 30 mins late. JOKE!
Polly Toynbee
@ And Byrne shld stress 70bn stolen by tax evaders + legal loopholes. Tax officers bring in multiples more than benefits officrs
Latest report on how inflation (inc. transport) is eroding living standards - Priced Out by Donald Hirsch
Polly Toynbee
@ On train to beloved Brighton: fares up as you say
False Economy
NEW POST: Stop the rail fare rip-off - join today
Clare Gerada
Why are we dismantling the at the same time as having to make £20 bn efficiency savings? Someone explain, please
Polly Toynbee
@ Excellent head Royal Col GPs knows what she's talking about. GPs cld help commission services without 3bn upheaval+privatising
John Wilson
Polly Toynbee
@ But we shld never wish ill on society just to harm Cameron. All jobs lost are a tragedy, all lessening of volunteering a social loss.
Polly Toynbee
@ Volunteering is good - no thanks to Cameron. MORI says it's fallen to lowest ebb as charities that foster vols lost grants -CAB, CSV.
Polly Toynbee
@ This great NHS expert"s message sounds like a not so veiled warning of what we should fear for the NHS in 2012. Be afraid...
Andrew Copson
Make a social resolution this New Year! Why doing good is good for you too
'shockingly bad performances by economists during the crisis', says PKrugman via @
Home-Start UK
New Year's resolution to with children and families? You could help in your local community with Home-Start:
Polly Toynbee
@ Thanks for kind comments on my New Year column on Cameron's govt. Join the heated debate on the thread