Leo Hickman

Leo Hickman

Purveyor of bespoke words for the Guardian and other discerning outlets. Established 1996.
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Leo Hickman
Can better communication of climate science cut climate risks? by @
Leo Hickman
@ Thanks for pointing this out. One for my editor @ and the author @
Leo Hickman
Hilarious interview w/ Lord Monckton where he slams Guardian, Monbiot, BBC, climate scis etc >gets going 8 mins in
Leo Hickman
. @ looks over the Rio+20 'zero draft'
Leo Hickman
Satanic link to Cornwall horse mutilation investigated
Leo Hickman
@ @ I do approve tho that his page now links to "Attitude polarisation" at the bottom ;-)
Leo Hickman
@ @ All refs to that piece gone now - even tho a valid fact about him. Activists, eh?
Leo Hickman
@ @ Wales was apparently behind the removal of a ref to my article on Dellers' Wkp page?!
Leo Hickman
@ @ However, high-profile figure like Wales saying that about sceptics is far more interesting IMO, hence tweet
Leo Hickman
@ @ Just looks like typical wiki ding-dong to me - will resolve itself, whole point of a wiki. Not v interesting
Leo Hickman
@ @ People can read all about that via link. But what Wales saying true, no?
Leo Hickman
Loggers 'burned Amazon tribe girl alive'
Leo Hickman
Wikip's Jimmy Wales cont: "sometimes exhibiting what I can only call willful blindness" 2/2 via @
Leo Hickman
Wikip's Jimmy Wales: 'I've little sympathy 4 climate-change skeptics in political press...not up to speed on scientific research at all" 1/2
Leo Hickman
Oil lobby's financial pressure on Obama over Keystone XL pipeline revealed
Bryony Worthington
@: House of Lords to debate 'Gov's Green Agenda' tomorrow, feat @, @, GWPF's Turnbull < + @
Leo Hickman
House of Lords to debate 'Government's Green Agenda' tomorrow, feat @, @, GWPF's Turnbull etc
Leo Hickman
Cuadrilla CEO to meet tonight with "No Fracking in Sussex" campaign group
Leo Hickman
Prince of Wales secures huge increase in funding to promote his views on climate change >that's a lot of biscuits
Leo Hickman
The 'Emerging Hockey Stick' in sea-level rise. Good video by @