

Editors' picks

  • Andrew House

    Interview: Sony's Andrew House

    Steve Boxer: For a one-company man like Andrew House, with 20 years' service at Sony, 2011 must have been a year to look back on with mixed feelings
  • Modern Warfare 3

    2011: The year of hidden change

    Keza MacDonald: Despite a slew of high quality games, 2011 had a feeling of deja vu with the same consoles and franchises dominating
  • Weight Watchers game

    A tough diet pill to swallow

    Simon Parkin: Good games do more than monitor effort. 'Go for a walk and you can have another biscuit', is neither fun nor interesting
  • Fifa 12

    The UK Top 20

    The final chart of 2011 finds Fifa 12's footballers managing to fend off the warriors of Modern Warfare 3 to hold the No 1 spot
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

    4 out of 5
    Star Wars Old Republic

    Mike Anderiesz: From the glossy production values to the enormous cast of characters, this IS Star Wars in cyberspace

  • Games roundup

    Ben 10 Galactic Racing

    Here's our weekly roundup of some of the games that may have slipped under your radar

  • Minecraft

    4 out of 5

    Simon Parkin: Forget about Minecraft the phenomenon, Minecraft the game is a wondrous if conflicted release – and the closest we have to a god game

  • Mario Kart 7

    4 out of 5
    Mario Kart 7

    Sarah Ditum: Here we go! Mario is back on the track with some new tricks up his sleeve

  • Rayman Origins

    4 out of 5
    Rayman Origins

    Keith Stuart: Rayman Origins has moments of absolute genre mastery and an oddball style all its own

  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North

    3 out of 5
    War in the North

    Greg Howson: It looks great, but War in the North suffers from a weak storyline and a lack of depth

  • Super Mario 3D Land

    5 out of 5
    Super Mario 3D Land

    Nick Cowen: Super Mario 3D Land is one of the best Mario games in recent years and easily the best new game for the 3DS

  • Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    5 out of 5
    Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

    Nick Cowen: Prepare to immerse yourself in one of the most gargantuan undertakings you will experience all year

  • Modern Warfare 3

    5 out of 5
    Modern Warfare 3

    Keith Stuart: The vision, the choreography, the sense of scale and detail in Modern Warfare 3 are simply awe-inspiring at times

Latest multimedia

  • Darksiders II trailer - video

    The original Darksiders was criminally overlooked when released in 2010, but this sequel – due out on Xbox 360 and PS3 in the summer of 2012 – should help to redress that injustice

  • bertjansch

    Thursday 8 December

    Comment icon: Money

    Well, Xbox Live Update. That went well, didn't it? What's that you say? No it didn't? Why not? You couldn't connect all last night after downloading it? Are you sure it wasn't your connection? You are? Wow, well that is a bit of a cock up from them, isn't it? What is their official line on it? Right, some users experiencing issues? Some? How many is 'some'? Why 'some' and not others? That's not very reassuring is it? They are working on it? Fantastic. Hopefully they will sort themselves out toute de suite. What's that? Why have they changed something that worked just fine into something that was broken? I have no idea.

  • Abismo

    Thursday 1 December

    Comment icon: News

    People think GTA is a moral blackhole? While doing a bit of roaming in Red Dead Redemption last night, I could think of nothing more constructive to do than hogtie a random stranger, ride them into remote woodland and slit their throat. Then I shot a lovely big bear right in its stupid face ... several times. I felt dirty.

  • BinkTheMagician

    Wednesday 30 November

    Comment icon: Business

    Finally got hold of MW3 yesterday. Currently working through the single player and had a few goes on multiplayer. It is an enjoyable romp but feels a bit like Modern Warfare 2.1 than a full blown sequel. Multiplayer is fun, being a lowly level 2 grunt when everyone else is at least level 35 and running around with laser tracking homing missiles and stuff.

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