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Dept. of Human Services

  • 2011 Career Expo
    Career Expo
    OVRS Staffing Solutions wish to thank the businesses and partners who participated in the 2011 Career Expo "Tapping Fresh Talent" held on April 14th in Portland, Oregon. Over 12 businesses and more than 150 candidates participated.
  • Think beyond the label
    Think beyond the label ad
    The Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services Department (OVRS) represents one of Oregon's greatest untapped labor pools: skilled, motivated, responsible men and women - willing workers - who happen to have disabilities.

    Motivated, Reliable, Dependable. What every employer is looking for in an employee. We understand employers need to find and employ the best candidates.

    They're not looking for a handout, just the same thing that other job candidates hope for: A chance to prove themselves.
Office locations and contacts
Information for OVRS Clients & Advocates
Internship with OVRS
Information for potential interns, required documents and
Competitive Employment Project
The Oregon Competitive Employment Project is a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant funded through the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. The Work Incentives Network (WIN) is part of the Competitive Employment Project. To find out more about WIN and other activities of this grant, follow the "More" link below.
2012 State Plan Update
Order of Selection
Discrimination due to disability
If you feel that OVRS has treated you differently due to your disability, please use the OVRS Section 504 Consumer Complaint Information and Complaint Forms.
Quick links