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The IABIN Invasives Network (I3N) is a partnership of institutions, governments, and organizations. A brief description of the main participants is given below. You can click here to view a more detailed discussion of participants’ roles.

Coordinating Institution (CI)
The United States Geological Survey's Core Science Analytics and Synthesis (CSAS) is the Coordinating Institution (CI) of the I3N and works in close collaboration with the project managers of the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) and the other IABIN thematic networks. Orginally, the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) supported I3N and other invasive species-related activities through developing the NBII Invasive Species Information Node, leading the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN), and Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) activities, providing infrastructure/software development support, coordinating workshops, furthering agreement on and promulgation of protocols and standards, and providing technical assistance to partners. (The NBII was discontinued as a program of the USGS in October 2011.)

Technical Working Group (TWG)
The I3N Technical Working Group (TWG), chaired by the USGS Biological Informatics Office, addresses content, metadata, standards, and capacity building. It acts in an advisory role to the Coordinating Institution. Click here to view the contact information for TWG members. Click here to view the Terms of Reference (pdf) for the TWG.

IABIN Council, National Focal Points, and Executive Committee (IEC)
IABIN operates through a membership council, which is policy-focused and has the authority to make decisions and take action on behalf of the network. The IABIN Council consists of one officially appointed National Focal Point (NFP) from each member country of the Americas, as well as representatives from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The IABIN Executive Committee (IEC) is a group of eight members elected from among the official IABIN NFPs, plus one elected representative from an inter- or non-governmental organization. It guides the operations of IABIN and executes the policy decisions of the Council. National Focal Points play an important role in I3N. Click here to find the contact information for each NFP. For more information, go to the white paper.

Leads and Co-Leads
Each country that actively participates in I3N has one or more individuals leading its efforts. These individuals, called I3N Leads or Co-Leads, are associated with government, university, or private institutions in the given country. These leads and co-leads coordinate I3N activities with the I3N Coordinating Institution, their country’s IABIN Focal Point (see description below), and in-country data providers. The contact information for each Lead and co-lead is available below.

Argentina | Bahamas | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Guatemala | Jamaica | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | USA | Uruguay

ARGENTINABack to top

Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
(8000) Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Website: www.uns.edu.ar

Lead: Dr. Sergio M. Zalba, Grupo de Estudios en Conservación y Manejo (GEKKO)
Tel: (54-291) 459-5101 Ext. 2420
Fax: (54-291) 459-5130
E-mail: szalba@criba.edu.ar

Co-Lead: Dr. Carlos B. Villamil, Laboratorio de Plantas Vasculares
E-mail: cbvillam@criba.edu.ar

BAHAMAS Back to top

Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
East Bay Street, P.O. Box N 3028
Nassau, Bahamas

Lead: Mr. Colin Higgs, Permanent Secretary
Tel: (242) 325-7502
Fax: (242) 322-1767
E-mail: chiggs@bahamas.net.bs

BOLIVIA Back to top

Instituto de Ecología
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
Casilla 10077, Correo Central
La Paz, Bolivia

Lead: Adriana Rico Cernohorska
Tel: (591-2) 279-1141
Fax: (591-2) 279-7511
E-mail: adri_rico_cer

BRAZIL Back to top

Instituto Horus
Servidão Cobra Coral, 111
Florianópolis - SC
Website: www.institutohorus.org.br

Lead: Dr. Sílvia Renate Ziller, Director
Tel: (55-48) 3338-2856
E-mail: sziller@institutohorus.org.br

CHILE Back to top

Comisión Nacional de Medio Ambiente (CONAMA)
Teatinos N°258
Santiago, Chile
Website: www.conama.cl

Lead: Karin Molt González
Tel: (56-02) 2405600 or 2405610
Fax: (56-2) 241-1803
E-mail: kmolt@conama.cl, karinmolt@hotmail.com

COLOMBIA Back to top

Instituto Humboldt Colombia
Cra. 7 No. 35-20
Bogotá, Colombia
Website: www.humboldt.org.co

Lead: Maria Piedad Baptiste
Investigadora, Biologia de la Conservación
Tel: 608-69-00/01/02 Ext. 244
E-mail: mpbaptiste@humboldt.org.co

Associate: Ángela M. Suárez-Mayorga,
Instituto Humboldt
Tel: (57-1) 350-6064 ext. 110
Fax: (57-1) 350-7938 ext. 115
E-mail: amsuarez@humboldt.org.co, asuarez@rocketmail.com

COSTA RICA Back to top

Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Energia (MINAE)
250 metros sur de Casa Italia, B Francisco Peralta
San Jose 11384-1000, Costa Rica

Lead: Francisco Javier González Salas, Gerente de Planificación - SINAC-MINAE
Tel: (506) 283-8004 ext. 200
Fax: (506) 283-7343
E-mail: francisco.gonzalez@sinac.go.cr


Subsecretaria de Areas Protegidas y Biodiversidad
Secretaria de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Av. Máximo Gómez, esquina Av. Reyes Católicos
Código Postal 2487
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Lead: Brigido Hierro Garcia,
Departamento de Recursos Genéticos, Direccion de Biodiversidad y Vida Silvestre
Tel: (809) 472-7043, 7081, or 9510
Fax: (809) 472-7105
E-mail: b_hierro@yahoo.com, b_hierro@hotmail.com, vida.silvestre@codetel.net.do, marina_hernandez@hotmail.com

ECUADOR Back to top

Fundación Jatun Sacha
Pasaje Eugenio de Santillán N34-248
y Maurián. Urbanización Rumipamba
Quito, Ecuador

Lead: Loly Sanchez, Fundación Jatun Sacha/CDC
Tel: (593-2) 331-8156, (593-2) 331-7163, (593-2) 331-8191, (593-2) 243-2240
E-mail: sloly@jatunsacha.org,jatunsacha@jatunsacha.org,elara@ambiente.gov.ec

EL SALVADOR Back to top

Recursos Biológicos
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Avenida Roosevelt y 55 Av. Norte, Torre El Salvador, Edificio IPSFA
San Salvador, El Salvador

Lead: Néstor Herrera, Gerente de Vida Silvestre, Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural;
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Tel: (503) 2233 9307
Fax: (503) 2233 9339
E-mail: nherrera@marn.gob.sv

GUATEMALA Back to top

Oficina Técnica de Biodiversidad (OTECBIO)
Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP)
5a. Avenida 6-06, Zona 1, Edif. IPM, 7o. Nivel
Ciduad de Guatemala, Guatemala

Lead: Edgar Selvin Pérez, Director, Oficina Técnica de Biodiversidad (OTECBIO)
Tel: (502) 2422-6700
Fax: (502) 2422-6700 / ext.1001
E-mail: otecbio@conap.gob.gt, gfgb@gmx.at

JAMAICA Back to top

Natural History Museum of Jamaica
Institute of Jamaica
10 - 16 East Street
Kingston, Jamaica
Website: www.instituteofjamaica.org.jm

Lead: Suzanne Davis, Ph.D.
Senior Research Officer, Jamaica Clearing House Mechanism
Tel: (876) 922 0620-6
Fax: (876) 922 1147
E-mail: sdavis@nhmj-ioj.org.jm

MEXICO Back to top

Av. Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur 4903
Colonia Parques del Pedregal, Delegación Tlalpan
14010, México, D.F., Mexico
Website: www.conabio.gob.mx

Lead: Dra. Patricia Koleff
Directora de Analisis y Prioridades
Tel: +52 (55) 5528 9105
Fax: +52 (55) 5528 9131
E-mail: especiesinvasoras@conabio.gob.mxpkoleff@xolo.conabio.gob.mx,

PANAMA Back to top

Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM)
Albrook Edif. 805
Apdo. C0843-00793

Darío Luque
Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre
Tel: (507) 500-0803
Fax: (507) 500-0860
E-mail: d.luque@anam.gob.pa

Co-Lead: Melquíades Ramos
Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre
E-mail: m.ramos@anam.gob.pa

Co-Lead: Antonio Armas
Dirección de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre
E-mail: a.armas@anam.gob.pa

Associate: Omar Lopez
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
E-mail: prioria@yahoo.com

PARAGUAY Back to top

Centro de Datos para la Conservacion (DGPCB)
Secretaría del Ambiente, Presidencia de la República del Paraguay
Avenida Madame Lynch 3500 casi Primer Presidente
Asuncion, Paraguay

Lead: Carolina Elizabeth Pedrozo Silva
Jefe, Division de Invertebrados
Tel: (595-21) 615 812
Fax: (595-21) 61 28 15
E-mail: carolina.pedrozo@gmail.com, cdc@seam.gov.py, ceps@telesurf.com.py

PERU Back to top

Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Ricardo Palma
Av. Benavides 4550, Apartado Postal 18-01, Lima Surco, Peru

Lead: Dr. Victor Morales
Tel: +51-1-275-0450, ext 271; 9550-1753
Fax: +51-1-275-3624
E-mail: vmorales@mail.urp.edu.pe, victor9901@yahoo.com

USA Back to top

Core Science Analytics and Synthesis (CSAS)
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 302
Reston, Virginia 20192, USA

Lead: Annie Simpson
Tel: (1-703) 648-4281
Fax: (1-703) 648-4224
E-mail: asimpson@usgs.gov

Uruguay Back to top

Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay
Iguá 4225
Montevideo, Uruguay

Co-Lead: M.Sc. Ernesto Brugnoli Olivera
Tel: (598-2) 525-8618, extension 7150
Fax: (598-2) 525-8617
E-mail: ebo@fcien.edu.uy

Co-Lead: Dr. Pablo Muniz Maciel
Tel: (598-2) 525-8618, extension 7150
Fax: (598-2) 525-8617
E-mail: pmmaciel@fcien.edu.uy

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