

Two senators announced today they are changing support.
SOPA Blackout
The Wednesday blackout protests by SOPA and PIPA protesters have been the latest pressure against lawmakers to stop the anti-web piracy bills – and it seems to be working. full story
Skipper says he tripped and fell into a lifeboat.
Costa Concordia view
"I tripped and I ended up in one of the boats. That's how I found myself in the lifeboat," according to the Costa Concordia's captain, Francesco Schettino, who is accused of abandoning ship. full story

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Your Daily Intel

Virtual tumbleweed blows across the homepages of Wikipedia, Reddit and Boing Boing today, as some of the world's most-used websites protest the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and... full story
The rescue operation on the Costa Concordia has been suspended indefinitely after the capsized cruise ship slipped. At least 11 bodies have been recovered so far; another 24 people are still missing... full story
Is Britain's austerity working? Not to judge by the latest unemployment figures, which put joblessness at its highest in 17 years – 8.4 percent. It's not exactly a surprise, but it... full story
Does Rick Perry know something we don't? After causing offense with his assertion during Monday night's South Carolina debate that American ally Turkey "is being ruled by what many would... full story
Ah, Sweden. The country continues to strike blows for democracy, this time in the Twittersphere: the Tourist Board has decided to hand control of its official Twitter account to a different Swede... full story