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Renewable Fuels: Regulations & Standards

Regulations & Standards

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2013 Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for Renewable Fuel Standard program (RFS2): Final Rulemaking

In today’s action EPA is establishing an applicable volume of 1.28 bill gallons for biomass-based diesel (BBD) for 2013. EPA is setting this volume based on consideration of the factors specified in the statute, including a consideration of biodiesel production, con­sumption, and infrastructure issues. As required under the statute, EPA also assessed the likely impact of BBD production and use in a variety of areas.

Under the Clean Air Act Section 211(o), as amended by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, EPA is required to determine and promulgate the applicable volume of BBD that will be required in 2013 and beyond, as the statute specifies a minimum volume for the BBD category (of 1 billion gallons) for years after 2012. EPA proposed a volume requirement for 2013 of 1.28 billion gallons on July 1, 2011. EPA is able to take final action now after sufficiently evaluating the many comments on the proposal, as well as gathering additional information to enhance our analysis.

Notice of Data Availability (NODA) for Renewable Fuels Produced from Grain Sorghum Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) Program

EPA conducted lifecycle GHG analyses for a number of biofuel feedstocks and production pathways as part of its March 26, 2010 RFS final rule. In the preamble to that final rule, EPA indicated that it had not completed the lifecycle emissions impact analysis for several specific fuels, but that this work would be completed and the regulations updated via a supplemental final rulemaking action. This Notice provides an opportunity to comment on EPA's analyses of grain sorghum used as a feedstock to produce ethanol under the RFS program.

2012 Standards for Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2): Final Rulemaking

EPA is establishing the volume requirements and associated percentage standards that will apply under the RFS2 program in calendar year 2012 for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel. The standards will ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United State contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

Notice of Data Availability (NODA) for Renewable Fuels Produced from Palm Oil Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) Program

EPA conducted lifecycle GHG analyses for a number of biofuel feedstocks and production pathways as part of its March 26, 2010 RFS final rule. In the preamble to that final rule, EPA indicated that it had not completed the lifecycle emissions impact analysis for several specific fuels, but that this work would be completed and the regulations updated via a supplemental final rulemaking action. This Notice provides an opportunity to comment on EPA's analyses of palm oil used as a feedstock to produce biodiesel and renewable diesel under the RFS program.

EPA has extended the comment period for this notice. The comment period, originally set to end on February 27, 2012, will now end on April 27, 2012.

Direct Final Rule to Identify Additional Fuel Pathways under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2)

Withdrawal Notice signed February 27, 2012, published March 5, 2012.
(Direct Final Rule and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published January 5, 2012)

On February 27, 2012, EPA published a notice to withdraw the amendments to the RFS2 regulations issued via direct final rule on January 5, 2012. The amendments would have expanded Table 1 of § 80.1426 to identify additional renewable fuel production pathways and pathway components that could be used in producing qualifying renewable fuel under the RFS2 program. EPA intends to address all comments in a subsequent final action, which will be based on the parallel proposed rule also published on January 5, 2012 (77 FR 462). As stated in the direct final rule and the parallel proposed rule, we will not institute a second comment period on this action.

Notice of Response to Petition from Canada for Application of the Renewable Fuel Standard Aggregate Compliance Approach

On March 15, 2011, EPA issued a notice of receipt of and solicited public comment on a petition for EPA to authorize the use of an aggregate approach for compliance with the Renewable Fuel Standard renewable biomass requirements, submitted by the Government of Canada. The petition requested that EPA determine that an aggregate compliance approach will provide reasonable assurance that planted crops and crop residue from Canada meet the definition of renewable biomass. In this notice, EPA is issuing its approval of the petition, after thorough consideration of the petition, supporting documentation and public comments received.

Hearing Announcement for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on 2012 Renewable Fuel Standards and 2013 Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for Renewable Fuel Standard program (RFS2)

EPA is announcing the hearing location and time for interested parties to provide comments on the proposed volume requirements and associated percentage standards that would apply under the RFS2 program in calendar year 2012 for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel; and the 2013 biomass-based diesel volume. EPA originally announced in the proposed rule that a hearing would be held on July 12, 2011 in the Washington D.C. area, but deferred to a separate notice for the details of this hearing. Interested parties can also provide comments to EPA on the proposal through August 11, 2011.

2012 Renewable Fuel Standards and 2013 Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for Renewable Fuel Standard program (RFS2): Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

EPA is proposing the volume requirements and associated percentage standards that would apply under the RFS2 program in calendar year 2012 for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel; and the 2013 biomass-based diesel volume. The proposed standards would ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United State contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. EPA is required to finalize these standards by November 30, 2011.

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2): Program Amendments

Final Rule published December 21, 2010

EPA is finalizing amendments to the Renewable Fuel Standard program regulations. On June 30, 2010, EPA published a notice to withdraw several of the amendments to the RFS2 regulations that were issued via direct final rule and parallel proposal on May 10, 2010. In this final rule, EPA addresses comments received on the withdrawn provisions and is taking final action regarding the withdrawn provisions based on consideration of the comments received.

2011 Standards for Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2): Notice of Final Rulemaking

EPA is finalizing the volume requirements and associated percentage standards that will apply under the RFS2 program in calendar year 2011 for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel. The standards will ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel as required by the Clean Air Act. EPA is required to finalize these standards by November 30, 2010. The rule also contains two regulatory provisions intended to address RIN generation for certain new pathways and documentation for certain categories of foreign feedstocks. Finally, the rule announces the 2011 price for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits and EPA's assessment of the aggregate compliance provision for domestic feedstocks.

Supplemental Determination for Renewable Fuels Produced Under the Final RFS2 Program from Canola Oil

This rule finalizes the determination that canola oil biodiesel meets the lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction threshold of 50% required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA). Thus, canola oil biodiesel now qualifies as both an advanced biofuel and as biomass based diesel. Further the final rule may allow the opportunity for producers of canola oil biodiesel to generate either advanced or biomass-based diesel Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) for such fuel that they produced dating back to July 1, 2010.

  • Final Rule (PDF) (13 pp, 157K, published September 28, 2010)
  • Lifecycle Results Docket Directory (PDF) (2 pp, 58K, September 2010)
    This memo provides a directory to materials on the docket that include the lifecycle analysis results and calculations used in the supplemental canola oil final rule.

Notice of Data Availability for Renewable Fuels Produced Under the Final RFS2 Program from Canola Oil

EPA conducted lifecycle GHG analyses for a number of biofuel feedstocks and production pathways as part of its March 26, 2010 RFS2 final rule. In the preamble to that final rule, EPA indicated that it had not completed the lifecycle emissions impact analysis for several specific fuels but that this work would be completed during 2010 and the regulations updated via a supplemental final rulemaking action. Since the final rule, we have completed a proposed assessment for an additional renewable fuel pathway, canola oil biodiesel.

 2011 Standards for Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2): Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

EPA is proposing the volume requirements and associated percentage standards that would apply under the RFS2 program in calendar year 2011 for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel. The proposed standards would ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United State contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. EPA is required to finalize these standards by November 30, 2010. The rule also contains two proposed regulatory provisions intended to address RIN generation for certain new pathways in 2010 and documentation for certain categories of foreign feedstocks.

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2): Program Amendments

Partial Withdrawal Notice published June 30, 2010
(Direct Final Rule and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published May 10, 2010)

On June 30, 2010, EPA published a notice to withdraw several of the amendments to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) regulations issued via direct final rule on May 10, 2010. Many of these program amendments address grammatical or typographical errors, or provide clarification to assist regulated entities in complying with the RFS2 program requirements. We withdrew only the amendments on which we received adverse comment. All other amendments are effective as of July 1, 2010, simultaneous with the RFS2 final rule (75 FR 14670, March 26, 2010).

Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2): Final Rule

(published March 26, 2010)

EPA is finalizing changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard program, as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United State contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. The new renewable fuel standards increase the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into transportation fuel to 36 billion gallons by 2022. The rule was developed in collaboration with refiners, renewable fuel producers, and many other stakeholders.

Lifecycle Results Docket Directory (PDF) (5 pp, 97.7K, May 2010)
This memo provides a directory to materials on the docket that include the lifecycle analysis results and calculations used in the RFS2 final rule.

Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2): Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

(published May 26, 2009)

Renewable Fuel Standard: Technical Amendments

(Direct Final Rule published October 2, 2008)
(Partial Withdrawal Notice published November 26, 2008)

EPA published a direct final rule on October 2, 2008, to amend the Renewable Fuel Standard program requirements. We received adverse comment on several provisions in the direct final rule and have published a withdrawal of these amendments in the Federal Register. All other amendments will take effect on December 1, 2008.

Related documents:

Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS1): Final Rule

(published May 1, 2007)

EPA finalized a national renewable fuel program that was designed to encourage the blending of renewable fuels into our nation's motor vehicle fuel.

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