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Endangered Species Grants


Biologist holding a handfull of juvenile mussels.  Photo by USFWS

Biologists are monitoring survival of juvenile Higgins eye pearlymussels that were captively propagated and then released in zebra mussel-free areas of large rivers. Section 6 grants helped fund the reintroduction projects.

Photo by USFWS


Narrated Section 6 Slideshow - provides a brief overview of Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act which authorizes providing financial assistance to States.


August 14, 2012 News Release:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces More Than $33 Million in Grants to Support Land Acquisition and Conservation Planning for Endangered Species - Two Projects Funded in Wisconsin


2012 Funded Projects in the Midwest - - Wisconsin


Grant Program

Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act authorizes grants to States through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund. These funds may, in turn, be awarded to private landowners and groups for conservation projects. The following four types of grants are available through this Fund:


Projects Funded by Section 6 Grants

2011 Non-traditional Section 6 Grants


2010 Non-traditional Section 6 Grants


2009 Non-traditional Section 6 Grants


2008 Traditional Section 6 Grants


2008 Non-traditional Section 6 Grant Awards


2007 Traditional Section 6 Grants


2007 Nontraditional Grants: Funded Projects in the Upper Midwest


2006 Traditional S6 Grants: Funded Projects in the Upper Midwest


2006 Nontraditional Grants: Funded Projects in the upper Midwest (Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin)


2005 Nontraditional Grants: Funded Projects in the upper Midwest



Private Stewardship Grants

From 2002 through 2008 these grants provided assistance directly to landowners for land management that benefited species and their habitats. Congress did not provide funding for this program after 2008.

2007 Funded Projects

2006 Funded Projects

2005 Funded Projects



Midwest Endangered Species Home


Last updated: August 27, 2012