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Stem Cells Take Aim

stem cellsScientists have developed a way to chemically incorporate homing receptors onto the surface of stem cells. This simple approach has the potential to improve the efficacy of many types of cell therapies by increasing the concentrations of cells at target locations in the body.
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Researchers Build Massive Protein Interaction Map

protein interaction mapResearchers have built a map that shows how thousands of proteins in a fruit fly cell communicate with each other. Protein communication is key to understanding disease.
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Center for Primary Care Showcases Innovation

primary care conferenceHarvard’s Center for Primary Care convened thought leaders, faculty, practitioners and students to explore creative solutions to the crisis in primary care.
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Lung Stem Cells Offer Therapeutic Clues

By cloning stem cells from the airways of the human lung, researchers have demonstrated that these cells can form into the lung’s alveoli air sac tissue.
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Surprising Link Between Cancer Gene and Diabetes

A pathway activated in cancer plays an unexpected key role in metabolic diseases like Type 2 diabetes.
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Stem cells: Jeffrey Karp/Brigham and Women's Hospital

Copyright 2011 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
