FavScientist's Channel
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Pablo Rubinstein - My Favourite Scientist
Albert Einstein - My Favourite Scientist
Alan Turing - My Favourite Scientist
César Milstein - My Favourite Scientist
Gregor Mendel - My Favourite Scientist
William Jarrett - My Favourite Scientist
Thomas Young - My Favourite Scientist
David Attenborough - My Favourite Scientist
Rosalind Franklin - My Favourite Scientist
Robert Baldwin - My Favorite Scientist
Michael Faraday - My Favourite Scientist
Richard Feynman - My Favourite Scientist
Edward Adolph - My Favourite Scientist
Norman Pogson - My Favourite Scientist
Stanley Falkow - My Favourite Scientist
Benjamin Franklin - My Favourite Scientist
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Oct 14, 2010
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5 months ago
Who is your favourite scientist?
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FavScientist uploaded a new video (5 months ago)
Pablo Rubinstein is a pioneer in the use of stem cells from babies' umbi...   more
FavScientist commented on Albert Einstein - My Favour... (7 months ago)
"@rjhrjh3 do it first when we had no subscribers or back catalogue!?"
FavScientist commented on Albert Einstein - My Favour... (7 months ago)
"@andersvj it was a deliberate mistake to give that childlike quality to ..."   more
FavScientist uploaded a new video (7 months ago)
Probably history's most famous scientist, Albert Einstein made huge brea...   more
FavScientist Albert Einstein video coming soon...
(7 months ago)
Channel Comments (99)
bigbowser101 (1 day ago)
So many favorites, some of which you have on here now. But you don't have Nikola Tesla or Carl Sagan on there yet.
MrTwister9571 (6 days ago)
Cave Johnson.
alexc475 (1 week ago)
Paul Dirac and  Linus Pauling :)
EgadsNo (2 weeks ago)
Nikola Tesla, a humble self described mechanical engineer who helped bring us radar, xray, multiphase ac, synchronous motors, fluorescent lighting, radio, and much more!
Mtpest01 (2 weeks ago)
cartoon film is cool and cute!!
thegamemasterfire (3 weeks ago)
cool channel
fronesis7 (3 weeks ago)
Edmund Husserl, founder of "Phenomenology", and yes, this is science, indeed, THE science of science.
intelX1000 (1 month ago)
schrodinger and tesla pls. ): i r b sad witout dim.
KlingKlangworkshop (1 month ago)
Monument to Asperger's.
courtneycspark (1 month ago)
Arthur Eddington :)
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