Urban Institute nonprofit social and economic policy research
December 7, 2011


Father talking to son

Child Support: Strengthening Families Through Stronger Fathers

New York's Strengthening Families Through Stronger Fathers Initiative aimed at boosting the job prospects and child support payments of low-income noncustodial parents, most of whom are fathers. Our multi-year evaluation found that the programs helped fathers find work, raise their earnings, and pay more child support. Read more about the evaluation, and the nationally-cited research by child support expert Elaine Sorensen.

On an average day in 2010, 
what percent of adults VOLUNTEERED?

Take the Charity Challenge

More than 1.4 million nonprofit organizations were registered with the Internal Revenue Service in 2009, 19% above 1999. How much do you know about the nonprofit sector? Newly released Nonprofit Sector in Brief: Public Charities, Giving, and Volunteering, 2011 reveals all. Learn more

On an average day in 2010, 
what percent of adults VOLUNTEERED?

Welfare Rules Database

The Welfare Rules Database is the only resource of its kind for information on TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) policies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Full data from 2010 has just been released, enabling public users to query rules that span 30 TANF policy areas. In addition, the latest Welfare Rules Databook taps the database to provide tables with key TANF policies and longitudinal data from 1996 to 2010. Learn more

Smiling Children

Are We Investing Enough in Children?

As Congress's Super Committee readies its deficit-cutting recommendations, UI experts look hard at who America's children are, what they get from government, and what happens if we underinvest in them. Lisa Dubay, Olivia Golden, Robert Reischauer, Kim Rueben, Margaret Simms, and Eugene Steuerle examine childhood poverty's legacy, entitlement programs, spending and cost-sharing, and the payoff of investing in children. Read more

Five Questions for the Experts

Ajay ChaudryOn Children of Immigrants:
Senior Fellow Ajay Chaudry answers five questions about how children of immigrants are changing the face of America’s metropolitan areas. At stake in how metros meet the challenges and opportunities of this young, growing, and diverse population is the whole nation’s future. read more

Recent Interviews

Jennifer ComeyJennifer Comey answers five questions about the foreclosure crisis's effect on D.C. public school students..

Demetra Smith NightingaleDemetra Smith Nightingale answers five questions about Workforce Development Policy.