You are here: Home Ocean NOMADS Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (1979 - 2009)
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Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (1979 - 2009)

NOAA's Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) is a 30-year, coupled ocean-atmosphere-land surface analysis created by the National Weather Service National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The dataset provided here represents the ocean component of the CFSR, based on the the MOM4 ocean model with the Global Ocean Data Analysis System. The complete atmosphere and ocean dataset is available through the National Climatic Data Center NOMADS site. More information on CFSR and its output is contained in the metadata and on the NCEP website.

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Available Services

Access to CFSR (ocean) data is provided via Thredds Data Server. Supported services include bulk file download in the native GRiB2 format, and OPenDAP subsetting.

CFSR 3D data and services
Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields

CFSR Snapshots

Tropical_Cyclone_Heat_Potential current_over_temperature
Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential Currents Over Temperature