Digital Coast

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Coastal County Snapshots

NOAA Coastal Services Center


  • Assesses a county’s exposure and resilience to flooding
  • Analyzes a county’s dependence on the ocean or Great Lakes for a healthy economy
  • Examines the benefits a county receives from its wetlands
  • Compares counties to each other or for regional analysis
  • Allows users to download a PDF report for the snapshot of their choice


Coastal County Snapshots turn complex data into easy-to-understand stories, complete with charts and graphs. Users select a coastal county of interest and the website does the rest, providing information that can help communities become more resilient to coastal hazards.

Local officials can use the snapshots as a planning tool to assess their county’s resilience to flooding and understand the benefits provided by natural resources. The handouts generated by the snapshots can be a helpful educational tool when working with governing bodies and citizen groups.

Current topics include

  • Flood exposure
  • Wetland benefits
  • Ocean and Great Lakes jobs

Tell us how your county uses the snapshots.

View a recorded webinar to learn more about the Coastal County Snapshots.

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