Gingrich Creeps Up


In new TIME/CNN/ORC Palmetto State poll, Newt is plus five and Romney minus four since early January survey.

Romney 33
Gingrich 23
Santorum 16
Paul 13
Perry 6

Conducted Jan. 13 — 17, 2012. Margin of error 4.5 points.

Covers only one day since Newt's strong debate performance.

Sunshine Man

(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

New TIME/CNN/ORC Florida poll:

Romney 43
Santorum 19
Gingrich 18
Paul 9
Perry 2

Conducted Jan. 13 — 17, 2012. Margin of error 5 points.

Obama to Go on the Air

Photo Illustration
Photo Illustration

Chicago buys TV ad time in Michigan, Virginia, Ohio and North Carolina for planned Thursday media blitz.

Romney's Cayman Cash


ABC News reports Romney "has as much as $8 million invested in at least 12 funds listed on a Cayman Islands registry."

Obama Rejects Keystone XL


In Wednesday afternoon statement, POTUS  announces decision to turn down TransCanada's application to build oil pipeline across the U.S. - Canadian border.

Obama: "This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people."

Boehner, Cantor Condemn Keystone XL Rejection

(Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

In Wednesday afternoon Capitol Hill media availability, Speaker and House Leader blast Obama's decision to not move forward with the pipeline project.

Boehner: "The President's policies are making the economy worse, rather than better."

Cantor: "Clearly the President has decided he is not serious if this is the decision he's going to make on this particular project."

Watch the video here. »

'12ers Reax to Keystone Rejection

GOP Anselm ABC Debate

Romney: "If Americans want to understand why unemployment in the United States has been stuck above 8 percent for the longest stretch since the Great Depression, decisions like this one are the place to begin."

Perry: "The president’s focused more on the next election than on the next generation. Getting this country independent of foreign sources of crude from countries that are not our friends is really problematic so, this Canadian oil, there’s a possibility we could lose it to China with that decision."

Newt: Boston Will Be "Dirty and Dishonest"

(Charles Dharapa-Pool/Getty Images)
(Charles Dharapa-Pool/Getty Images)

At Warrenville, SC event Wednesday, Gingrich predicts "desperate" frontrunner will go negative in the run-up to Saturday's primary.

Georgian: "I fully expect the Romney camp to be unendingly dirty and dishonest for the next four days."

Mitt: Newt Gets No Credit for Reagan Jobs Record

Romney Gingrich

Frontrunner tells rally-goers at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC Gingrich cannot claim responsibility for creating jobs during the Great Communicator's administration.

Romney: "The speaker just the other day at the debate was talking about how he created millions of jobs when he was working with the Reagan administration. Well, he'd been in Congress two years when Ronald Reagan came to office. That would be like saying 435 congressmen were all responsible for those jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. It's the private sector that creates jobs. Congressmen taking responsibility or taking credit for helping create jobs is like Al Gore taking credit for the Internet."

Watch the video here. »

Halperin's Take: Newt Has a Chance

Halperin Newt Can Win.Still001

On MSNBC's "NOW with Alex Wagner," Halperin says Gingrich's good week could allow him to close strong before Saturday's South Carolina primary.

Watch the video here. »

Wednesday Candidate Schedule


South Carolina:
Romney: Irmo
Gingrich: Greenville
Santorum: Greenville
Perry: Greenville

See more details from the candidates' schedules here. »

Santo Slaps Newt for "Hubris"


At Spartanburg, SC event Wednesday, Pennsylvanian hits the Speaker for "arrogance" in suggesting he cannot compete.

Santorum: "The hubris, and I might even go so far as to say the arrogance of Speaker Gingrich to suggest that I don't have the experience to run a campaign, to win a national campaign."

Watch the video here. »

Boston Calls In Reinforcements

(Darren McCollester/Getty Images)
(Darren McCollester/Getty Images)

Politico reports Romney surrogate Sununu heading to the Palmetto State Thursday to campaign for the frontrunner.

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