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Action Center

Lock in Reforms to Ensure Independent Science Protects Public Health and Safety

Urge the White House to ensure that high scientific integrity standards are a legacy of the Obama administration. 

Take Action 

  • Protect public health by keeping antibiotics out of animal feed. Act Now »
  • Prevent the expansion of dirty coal mining on public lands. Act Now »
  • Urge the NRC to improve power plant safety. Act Now »
  • Tell Sean Hannity to stop talking about global warming until he can get the science right. Act Now »

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Scientists: Get Involved!

Calling all scientists, engineers, health professionals, and economists:

Join thousands of other experts in efforts to build a healthy environment and a safer world. Sign up for the UCS Science Network today. Or check out our Young Scientists Initiative to work with emerging leaders in the scientific community.

Making Progress

White House Releases Scientific Integrity Directive

In December 2010 the White House released its long-awaited scientific integrity directive to prevent political interference in science. The culmination of nearly seven years of hard work by UCS, our supporters, and scientists, this directive lays out a set of instructions to federal agencies and departments so that policy decisions can be fully informed by the best available science, scientists can communicate effectively with their peers and the media, and the public can better understand how and why a particular policy decision is made. Read more »


Making Progress

Senate Passes New START Treaty

On December 22, 2010, the United States Senate approved the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty reducing the vast U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons arsenals and taking a critical step toward increasing international security. Coming on the heels of months of tireless advocacy by UCS and our supporters to garner support for this important international agreement, the treaty will reduce each country's deployed strategic nuclear arsenals by approximately one-third and lays the ground work for further steps to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, prevent other countries or terrorists from acquiring these dangerous weapons, and make the world safer. Read more »








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