Obtaining Imagery

The procedures and costs involved in obtaining copies of still and motion media records from the Department of Defense vary depending on whether you are an official government customer or the general public. Official government customers include DoD components and other Federal agencies. There are no service fees for official customers. Official customers requesting materials for personal use or retired military personnel should refer to the General Public instructions below.

Official government requests should be ordered on official letterhead signed by a branch or unit head and submitted by fax, mail or e-mail to:

Defense Imagery Management Operations Center
11 Hap Arnold Blvd.
Tobyhanna Army Depot
2nd Street, Bldg 3, Rm 101
Tobyhanna, PA. 18466-5102
Phone: 1-888-743-4662 or 570-615-9872 or DSN 795-9872
Fax: 570-615-7643 or DSN: 795-7643
e-mail: defenseimagery@defenseimagery.mil (from .mil and .gov addresses only)

When requesting imagery, please provide the following information:

  • Subject and/or image ID number
    • Unit, location, event, operation name
    • Date or date range
    • Equipment to be depicted (if any)
    • Type of aircraft, ship, tank, etc.
    • What action you want to see (i.e., aerial refueling, shooting weapons, ship movement, etc.)
  • Media format, size, and quantity
  • Date needed
  • Your name, rank, and position title
  • Your telephone numbers (DSN and commercial)
  • Complete official mailing address that includes a building/room number or suite
  • How media will be used (i.e., briefing, training, etc.)
  • For motion media requests, include the approximate total number of minutes needed for each subject
  • Still image requests will be provided through this web site via zip file of high resolution photographs for download onto your computer
  • Duplication from that point will be at your own expense.

General Public Requests: The images on our web site can be downloaded at no cost and/or limit. General public customers include all non-Federal agencies (which include city, state, and county governments), commercial organizations, retired military personnel, and the general public. The public may purchase copies of unclassified, official imagery records with fees being charged for research, duplication of the media, shipping and handling, and related services.

All imagery records are furnished with the understanding that the Department of Defense (DoD) has no authority to waive the privacy rights of the individuals depicted, and that no exclusive rights to any official records may be claimed by an organization or individual.

If still and/or motion imagery is to be used for commercial advertisement, the proposed ad layout with its accompanying copy must be approved by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.  For approval, e-mail or FAX your request to OASD(PA)/CR & PL at PAreview@osd.mil or 703-697-2577. 

Purchasers' use of these records constitutes agreement that they will not show, by implication or otherwise, that the DoD endorses any political cause, commercial product, or service.

To purchase motion media, customers must first receive approval from the appropriate Public Affairs Office listed below.

Headquarters, Department of the Army
Chief of Public Affairs
10880 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1250
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3688

Department of the Navy
Office of Information OI-7
1200 Navy Pentagon Rm 4B514
Washington, D.C. 20350-1200

Air Force
Secretary of the Air Force
Office of Public Affairs
Communication Branch
Pentagon, Rm 4A120
Washington, D.C. 20330-0001

Marine Corps
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Media Relations
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
Washington, D.C. 20310-0001

Joint/Multiple Service Imagery

For imagery that depicts more than one military service, and will be used for documentaries or other news-related products, contact the DoD Public Affairs Press Office at:

Chief, Audiovisual Division
Department of Defense Press Office
OASD (Public Affairs), Room 2D956
The Pentagon
Washington DC 20301-1400
FAX 703-692-5026

To discuss your documentary or other news-related useage of DoD imagery, call 703-695-0169.

Order Fulfillment Timing

As part of our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers, we are currently working to place more of our archive online digitally. To reach that goal and serve you better, the Defense Imagery Management Operations Center is undergoing a transformation in its business practices and structure. During this restructuring, we will continue to strive to meet the needs of all of our customers by processing and fulfilling orders within 14 business days.

As we strive to meet that goal, we foresee a time over the next few months when our services, including research and the duplication of motion media (primarily physical imagery products), may be delayed or curtailed. We ask everyone to please plan accordingly. During this time, our priorities in handling imagery requests will be:

  • 1) Requests from within the Department of Defense
  • 2) Requests from other federal government agencies
  • 3) Requests from commercial and non-federal civilians

Also during this time, our Customer Service Representatives will continue to monitor your requests and they will keep you informed of any delays in the process. They may be reached at ASKDIMOC@dma.mil or via phone at 1-888-743-4662.

Please use this website’s capability to assist you in locating still and motion imagery and then ordering (motion) or downloading (still) the imagery that meets your needs.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause anyone.