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Advertising Policy

Here at Grist, we devote ourselves to tireless, independent reporting on the environment. The environment, as it turns out, doesn't pay very well.

Money for our tree-free pencils and Commodore 64's has to come from somewhere, so in addition to welcoming donations from our beloved readers and kind foundations, we accept advertising.

We politely decline any advertising that we believe is false, libelous, exploitative, or hateful, or that just doesn't look as pretty as the rest of our site. And to keep our hands clean, we don't accept advertising from political candidates or parties.

However, for the most part, we maintain an open-door policy with advertisers. Come on in! While it is our fervent hope that our advertisers see eye-to-eye with us on the importance of caring for ol' Ma Earth, we're not going to be niggling or uptight about it. After all, as they say in legalese, "the ads we run represent the opinions of the advertisers, not necessarily the opinions of Grist or its staff." And our advertising arrangements will have no impact on our hard-hitting, truth-telling editorial mission.

We believe our readers are discerning enough to evaluate the claims made by ads. If they're capable of ignoring our bad puns, certainly they can ignore ads they don't like.

We appreciate diversity -- biodiversity, gender and ethnic diversity, and diversity of opinions -- and our ad policy reflects that. Let a thousand banners bloom! If your company or organization is interested in advertising on the Grist website or in Grist emails, please contact .

Or if you'd like to pursue sponsorship opportunities with Grist, please check out our sponsorship policy and then contact .

Grist Editorial Calendar

For Grist's 2008 editorial calendar, click here. [PDF]

About Grist Readers

Advertising on Grist is a great way to reach a committed, caring audience. Our readers:

  • are engaged -- 82 percent read Grist at least once a week
  • are active -- 86 percent have changed an action or behavior based on something they read in Grist, and 72 percent have changed their purchasing habits
  • are news-hungry -- 30 percent get email from Grist five times per week
  • are dedicated -- more than half have been reading Grist for more than a year, and
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Source: latest Grist Reader Survey

Advertising Details

Advertising is available on Grist's website as well as in our seven email publications and alerts:

  • Daily Grist - news summaries from around the globe, served up with a touch of humor. Sent every weekday.
  • Weekly Grist - the "best of" Daily Grist. News summaries from around the globe sent just once a week (on Tuesdays), for those with a lighter news appetite.
  • Ask Umbra - be the first to know each time an Ask Umbra column is published, chock-full of advice and answers to readers' most pressing environmental questions. Sent twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Eat Your Greens - find out where your food comes from, and how you can make your diet greener. (Hint: not just by eating spinach!) Sent about once a week.
  • Muckraker - get word when a new column or feature on environmental politics goes live. Sent about once a week.
  • The Grist List - fads, products, people, events: A weekly rundown of all that is hip, weird, wacky, and wonderful on the green scene. Sent on Fridays.
  • Mind Your Business - whether you're a corporate tycoon or a nonprofit hack (like us!), you can keep up with goings-on in the green business world. Sent occasionally, no more than once a week.
Ad Specifications

For all ads:

  • File size limit is 25K for all ads.
  • Must be accompanied by the URL you want your ad linked to, which must be active when submitted to Grist.
  • Advertising typography and layout must not simulate Grist's editorial format or otherwise mislead readers.
  • If background is white, must have at least a dark one-pixel border.
For web ads:

  • Ad dimensions:
    • 728x90 super banner
    • 160x600 skyscraper
    • 300x250 rectangle
  • Accepted formats are GIF, JPG, Flash, or Flash video.
  • Animated .gifs must stop looping after three rotations.
  • Flash files must be clickTAG enabled.
  • Video ads may auto-play, but audio must be initiated by the user.
For email ads:

  • Ad dimensions:
    • 728x90 super banner
    • 160x600 skyscraper (only available in Daily Grist, Weekly Grist, and Grist List)
    • A 70-word text ad is also available
  • Accepted formats are GIF or JPG. Flash and video not accepted.
  • Animated .gifs must stop looping after three rotations.
  • Must include a 50-word text ad (headline, text, URL) to be substituted for the small number of subscribers who receive text instead of HTML emails. See example below.

    American Lung Association State Of The Air: 2005 Report Calls On Congress To Stop Siding With Corporate Polluters. Find out if you are breathing dirty air by entering your zip code on the ALA site.
    URL: http://www.exampleURL

  • Space Reservation: seven working days prior to first day to run
  • Material Deadline: four working days prior to first day to run
  • Cancellation: three working days prior to first day to run
  • Once an ad campaign is running on Grist, we require 72 hours advance notice to perform any adjustments (banner creative, URL changes, etc.).
Interactive Advertising Bureau's standard terms and conditions

Contact Info:
Grist's readership is constantly growing! Please contact for updated website and email publications and alerts traffic statistics, to check availability, or to request ad package pricing.

Updated March 2008.


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