Electric Cars, Hybrids, NRDC, Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, Roland Hwang, archive

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NPR Ombudsman

Mailbox: Electric Cars Have a Future, But Some Still Doubt

Workers build cars on the assembly line at the Ford Motor Co.'s Michigan Assembly Plant Dec. 14, 2011.

December 21, 2011 Last week's column on how NPR should frame the future of fuel-efficient cars elicited some 100 responses. Many were insightful, and some contributed new information. An industry association cites a U.K. study that says that "range anxiety" decreases after three months of driving an electric car.


Friday, December 16, 2011

NPR Ombudsman

Wishful Thinking Vs. Reality: Framing The Future Of Fuel-Efficient Cars

A worker installs components into a Leaf electric vehicle at the company's plant in Kanagawa, Japan.

December 16, 2011 Carmakers have agreed to reach an average fuel efficiency of 55 mpg in 14 years. An NPR series says the challenge will be difficult to meet without changing how Americans drive. Not so, says an expert. How the effort's framed will affect public attitudes. What should NPR's future framing be?


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