
Scientists Find Monster Black Holes, Biggest Yet()  

Handout photo released Tuesday by Nature shows a figure depicting the immense size of the black hole discovered in the galaxy NGC 3842.

December 5, 2011 A team led by astronomers at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered the two gigantic black holes in clusters of elliptical galaxies more than 300 million light years away. The previous black hole record-holder is as large as 6 billion suns.



Back-Room Deals Begin At Climate Talks()  

December 5, 2011 Negotiations began in earnest on a deal to rescue the only treaty governing greenhouse gas reductions at the U.N. climate talks in South Africa. Despite public declarations it would participate in a legally binding agreement in the future, China unequivocally told the EU it would not accept binding targets for itself.



Found: Earth-Like Planet That Might Be Right For Life()  

This artist's conception illustrates Kepler-22b, a planet known to comfortably circle in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. It is the first planet that NASA's Kepler mission has confirmed to orbit in a star's habitable zone — the region around a star where liquid water, a requirement for life on Earth, could persist.

December 5, 2011 The planet, dubbed Kepler-22b, isn't much larger than Earth and is orbiting a star in a region that's not too hot and not too cold — just the kind of place that could be home to liquid water, and maybe even life. But don't pack your bags just yet: It's 600 light-years away.


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The Salt

Insects Find Crack In Biotech Corn's Armor()  

Scientists say the corn rootworm is growing resistant to Bt corn.

December 5, 2011 Scientists report that a genetically engineered corn crop has failed to kill the corn rootworm — the pest it was designed to stop. This may be the most serious threat to a genetically modified crops in the U.S. since farmers first started growing them fifteen years ago.



For Creative People, Cheating Comes More Easily()  

New research suggests that people who are more creative are more likely to cheat.

December 5, 2011 "It's all about telling stories," says the author of a new psychological study, "so creative people are likely to be able to tell themselves better stories, which would allow them to cheat more on the one hand, but not feel worse about it on the other."


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Krulwich Wonders...

The Best Hike On Mars You'll Ever Take()  

Martian cows

December 5, 2011 We're going back to Mars: Next summer, a Jeep-sized robot will land on the red planet, and the search for Little Green Men will continue. Except nobody's looking for those anymore. Instead, the hunt is on for very teeny martians, shaped like itsy bitsy rods.



The Deep-Sea Find That Changed Biology()  

Worms named Riftia pachyptila were brought up from the deep-sea ocean floor. Some of the wors were more than 6 feet long.

December 5, 2011 The depths of our oceans are dark, punishingly cold and utterly devoid of life. Or so scientists thought, until a team of researchers in the late 1970s stumbled upon squishy, rubbery worms, up to 7 feet long, living 8,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific.


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Milwaukee's 'Misery Index': Infant Mortality()  

As Milwaukee lost industrial jobs, the infant mortality rate skyrocketed in some parts of the city.

December 4, 2011 As the city lost industrial jobs, its infant mortality rate skyrocketed. In one particular ZIP code, one baby dies for every 59 that make it. That's a rate that's worse than in parts of rural China.


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Feds: Tuna Probably OK After BP Oil Spill()  

December 4, 2011 Of all the potential damage from the 172-million-gallon spill in April 2010, scientists had been most concerned about how the oil spill would harm an already overfished species of large tuna.



Name That Tune: Identifying Whale Songs For Science()  

 Two killer whales swim in the austral seas off the Crozet Archipelago.

December 4, 2011 Researchers need your help to unlock the secrets of whale songs. A new online experiment is recruiting citizen scientists to study killer and pilot whale calls from around the world.


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