Updates, changes, corrections

The following changes have been made to the Top Secret America database to reflect new information and updates from the companies on the list of those performing top-secret work for U.S. government agencies. The Post will continue to update this database.

Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition

The Post incorrectly listed Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition as a company that does top-secret work. It does not.

Smartronix Inc.

The Post incorrectly listed Smartronix as publicly held. It is privately held.

Accenture Plc

The company description was updated, including where it is incorporated. It is incorporated in Ireland, not Bermuda as originally noted.

Pascoe Enterprises

The address for this company was incorrect. It was changed to reflect the address of the Pascoe Enterprises that does top-secret work.

HBGary Federal

The address for this company was updated.


The company description was updated.

Coda Octopus Colmek

The Web site address and full name for this company were updated. It was previously listed as Coda Octopus but has since added Colmek to the company name.

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"Top Secret America" is a project nearly two years in the making that describes the huge national security buildup in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. | Read More »

More than a dozen Washington Post journalists spent two years developing Top Secret America. | See the details »


Top Secret America on Frontline

A short video from PBS’s FRONTLINE on The Post’s two-year investigation. An hour-long documentary film is forthcoming. Watch the trailer »

The reporters

Dana Priest

Investigative reporter Dana Priest has been The Washington Post's intelligence, Pentagon and health-care reporter. She has won numerous awards, including the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for public service for "The Other Walter Reed" and the 2006 Pulitzer for beat reporting for her work on CIA secret prisons and counterterrorism operations overseas. She is author of the 2003 book, "The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace With America's Military, (W.W. Norton).

William M. Arkin

William M. Arkin has been a columnist and reporter with The Washington Post and washingtonpost.com since 1998. He has worked on the subject of government secrecy and national security affairs for more than 30 years. He has authored or co-authored more than a dozen books about the U.S. military and national security.

Project Credits

Stephanie Clark, Ben de la Cruz, Kat Downs, Dan Drinkard, Anne Ferguson-Rohrer, Justin Ferrell, David Finkel, Jennifer Jenkins, Robert Kaiser, Laris Karklis, Jacqueline Kazil, Lauren Keane, Todd Lindeman, Greg Manifold, Jennifer Morehead, Bonnie Jo Mount, Larry Nista, Ryan O’Neil, Sarah Sampsel, Whitney Shefte, Laura Stanton, Julie Tate, Doris Truong, Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso, Michael Williamson, Karen Yourish, Amanda Zamora.

Contact Us

Phone: 202-334-9300
E-mail: topsecretamerica@washpost.com

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