Let it Flo! New Flo Water service at UH Manoa

January 6, 2012  |   |  18 Comments

Flo Water personal water refill station

With the new year, who doesn’t have a healthy living resolution of one kind or another? Hit the gym, walk more, give up fast food. One simple way to ring in a healthy 2012: drink more water!

Experts extol the benefits of drinking more water in boosting energy levels, aiding in weight loss, reducing headaches, eliminating toxins, improving complexions and reducing risk of heart attacks and colon cancer. Drinking water can even save money.

An earth-friendly way to drink more water is to carry a water bottle and refill it as needed from a faucet, water cooler, drinking fountain or—using the latest in water dispensing technology—the personal water refill station.

The last can be done through a vending machine called Flo Water. Currently only UH Mānoa has a Flo Water dispensing station, but a company representative says Flo Water plans to install dispensers at Kauaʻi and Kapiʻolani Community Colleges and has received inquiries from UH West Oʻahu and Leeward Community College.

What is Flo Water?

The Flo Water machine installed on the makai end of Kuykendall Hall and offers fast, easy refills for 17 oz. (0.5 L), 25 oz. (0.75 L) and 34 oz. (1 L) containers, starting at just $0.25 a fill.

A less expensive but more environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water, it offers highly purified H2O chilled to a refreshing 42 degrees.

Free Flo Water coupons

UH News has a small number of coupons for free Flo Water, valued up to $0.50 each, depending on the size of the water bottle refill. We’re giving them away to the first five UH faculty or staff members or students who comment below telling us about their efforts to start 2012 healthy.

Drop us a line. Here’s to a healthy semester!

More information

Visit the Flo Water website.

Learn more about the benefits of and tips for a healthy water habit.

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Category: Community

Comments (18)

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  1. Thirsty says:

    I’m going to drink free water!

    • UH News staff says:

      Ok, that’s healthy! Look for an email Monday with details on getting it. :~j

    • Kenneth Davis says:

      UH-Hilo has a water machine similar, if not better, and doesn’t charge students for water. Why would you charge students for water? Really? Not news to brag about.

    • L.J says:

      I found a free water filling station at the campus center. Its on the second floor of the building, and located on the wall across the coffee joint. ENJOY!!!

  2. Hammiora says:

    Lets get soaking wet~! Love water its so good for you.

    • UH News staff says:

      Hmm, this isn’t exactly a healthy habit comment, but, since we wholeheartedly agree about how great water is, look for your email on Monday.

  3. Now Healthy says:

    I ate a cup of yogurt instead of ice cream as I read this. Woooooooo!

    • UH News staff says:

      Considering that it’s late Friday night, that’s a definite better-health move! Congrats! look for your email on Monday with more info.

  4. proofoflife says:

    Water is essential for living! Let’s see everyone walking around campus with non-plastic water bottles! Care for the ‘aina, its everyone’s kuleana.

    • UH News staff says:

      Agreed! Places like UH campuses can be incubators for healthy, earth-friendly habits. Each one, teach one. Look for your email on Monday with details on getting the coupon.

      • proofoflife says:

        Yes, I think the best way to encourage earth-friendly habits is to model appropriate behaviors. Reducing waste by carrying your own water bottle is a great way to start the New Year. Mahalo for the coupon….I’ll be using it soon.

  5. Manoa Walker says:

    I love my 20-minute walks to and from campus every day. Great time to think, breathe, move. And always want some fresh, cold water after walking, too!

  6. Savali says:

    Finally! A more inexpensive water system I can rely on.

  7. Leigh says:

    3 of my new year’s resolutions are specifically focused on a healthier life. I am giving up fast food, soda, and going to the gym on campus at least twice a week! Flo Water is so convenient for me because my water bottle gets empty in the middle of the day during school and I choose Flo Water to fill it up. Thanks Flo Water!

  8. WindowsUH says:

    Wow! This a new Eco-friendly, inexpensive, and cool way to get water. Avoid buying bottled water and get a drinking tumbler and refill it up. I would suggest on buying an Eco-friendly drinking tumbler and that’s equal to more Eco-friendly. The good part about Flo Water is that it’s filtered. I would also like to request to have this machine in Honolulu Community College. Even better is to have this machine on all UH Community Colleges.

  9. UH News staff says:

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your comments. Emails have been sent to the winning respondents. Have a healthy semester!

  10. Adam Bensley says:

    Water should be FREE! The idea of a water bottle filling station is great, but charging for it is absurd. There are numerous options for a design that allows water bottles to be conveniently placed upright under the spout for filling. One of those designs should have been installed at UH. All this new machine does is facilitate the myth that water you pay for is better than water from the tap. In the world we live in people need incentives to do the right thing, which means filling stations need to be accessible, convenient, and most of all free. Until we have free bottle filling stations I will continue to awkwardly fill my bottle up at water fountains

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