Family & Child

Child and Teen
Flu Prevention

Junk food

Camille Boivin and Philippe Aumond of La Sarre, Quebec and their 5- year-old son Jacob.

Quebec couple get insulin-pump tattoos to boost diabetic son's spirits

Flowers, angels, hearts or a beloved's name figure among the most popular tattoo designs. An insulin pump isn't even on the list.

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New parents Joshua and Rebecca Bennett hold their adopted boy, Atticus

Early birth deepens bond for adoptive couple, birth mom

New parents Joshua and Rebecca Bennett hold their adopted boy, Atticus, in their Evanston, Illinois, home. When Atticus was delivered prematurely, both parties in the process worried the adoption might...

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Child health

Want your kids to do better in school? Try exercise

Children who get more exercise also tend to do better in school, whether the exercise comes as recess, physical education classes or getting exercise on the way to school, according to an international...

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Some cereal no heathier than Twinkies or cookies

If you're feeding your kids Honey Smacks or Apple Jacks for breakfast you might as well just give them a chocolate chip cookie or Twinkie, according to results from a nutritional analysis of kids' cereals...

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Children's leukemia risk tied to father's smoking: Study

Children whose fathers smoked around the time of their conception have at least a 15 per cent higher risk of developing the most common form of childhood cancer, a type of leukemia, according to an Australian...

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Health Tip

Have you tried chard?

One cup of chard provides more than half of your day's needs for vitamin C and calcium.