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How to Compile and Run MPI Programs in Oracle Solaris 11
Terry Dontje explains how to obtain OMPT (Oracle's implementation of the MPI specification for massively parallel computing), how to use it to compile an MPI-compliant program and link it to the proper libraries, and finally how to execute your program.
posted Wed, 04 Jan 2012 18:27:47 +0000
How to Restrict Your Application Traffic Using Network Virtualization and Resource Management
Does one of your applications hog your network bandwidth at the end of each quarter? Or all year? With the virtual network capabilities in Oracle Solaris 11, you can assign bandwidth limits to specific applications. This article describes how to do that at two levels: the Virtual Network Interface card, and something called the "flow."
posted Tue, 03 Jan 2012 19:00:14 +0000
Solving the SOA Governance Puzzle: Taking a Bite-Sized Approach
Oracle’s Jyothi Swaroop explains how organizations can take an incremental approach to SOA governance initiatives to meet their specific needs.
posted Tue, 03 Jan 2012 15:17:17 +0000
Basics of the Image Packaging System (IPS) on Oracle Solaris 11
Oracle Solaris 11 supplies software packages from this repository: http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release. You can install new software packages from this repository, search for package content, or mirror the contents of this repository locally if you are in a network-restricted environment. How to do that, plus other basic tasks to get you familiar with IPS.
posted Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:58:18 +0000
Our Most Popular Tech Articles of 2011
You can stop holding your breath now. We have determined the Top 20 (meaning: most popular) Tech Articles Published by OTN in 2011!
posted Thu, 15 Dec 2011 19:18:40 +0000
Tech Article: Spring to Java EE Migration, Part 2
CTO and ardent Java EE fan David Heffelfinger demonstrates how easy it is to develop the data layer of an application using Java EE, JPA, and the NetBeans IDE instead of the Spring Framework. (Part Two)
posted Thu, 15 Dec 2011 03:26:52 +0000
How to Get Started Creating Oracle Solaris Zones in Oracle Solaris 11
Zones are more tightly integrated with other OS features in Oracle Solaris 11 than they were in Oracle Solaris 10. As a result, you can do more with zones than you could before. Plus, it's easier. But you still need to learn the new commands and procedures. This article by Duncan Hardie is a great start: it shows you how to create a zone using the command line, how to add an application to a zone, and how to clone a zone. All in Solaris 11.
posted Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:03:50 +0000
Article: Using Oracle Coherence with Spring Batch for High-Performance Data Processing
How using the Spring Batch framework, in combination with a multithreaded approach to data loading, can improve the manageability and performance Coherence-based applications
posted Fri, 09 Dec 2011 17:36:27 +0000
Implementing the Enterprise Service Bus Pattern to Expose Database Backed Services
Oracle ACE Director Lucas Jellema illustrates a real-world example.
posted Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:16:51 +0000
sysconfig Command: Four Examples for Oracle Solaris 11
The sysconfig command in Solaris 11 replaces the sys-unconfig command used in Solaris 10. Art Beckman describes this and other differences between configuration commands, and provides four examples of its use: how to un-configure a system in preparation for a move, how to configure a system for use, how to reconfigure a system interactively (without a reboot), and how to create a configuration profile to use later or with other installation tools.
posted Tue, 29 Nov 2011 18:26:21 +0000

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