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Oracle Enterprise Repository

Ensure SOA return on investment through End-to-End Lifecycle Governance
  • Visibility into SOA assets minimizes redundancy, optimizes service reuse, and improves ROI.
  • End-to-end control throughout the lifecycle automates an asset's lifecycle progression, reflects the policies applied to assets, and monitors compliance to standards
  • Robust analytics track and illustrate the progress and value of SOA initiatives.
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Read the Datasheet
Get an overview of the Oracle Registry and Repository (RegRep).
View the presentation
Discover the features and benefits of the Oracle Registry and Repository(RegRep)
Read the white paper
Right from the Start: SOA Lifecycle Governance
Enterprise Repository Supported Platforms
Application Servers, Databases, Artifact Storage Tools, Web Browsers, etc.

Technical Information
OER 11g Sizing Guidelines
Determine the optimum configuration for your OER instance
OER 11g Asset Type Catalog
View all of the metadata fields included in the OER 11g asset types

Additional Information
Determining the ROI of SOA Through Reuse
Create a business case for SOA and SOA Governance
Quick Start Guide
Get going with Governance! This document provides information that will help you quickly realize value from Governance.
Using OER to negotiate Service Contracts and Terms of Use
Learn how to use OER to negotiate contracts and terms of use between service providers and service consumers.
Building a Business Case for Application Integration Architecture
Identify the benefit drivers, determine the costs, and calculate the ROI from Application Integration Architecture projects.
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