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Developer Tools

Oracle offers a complete and integrated set of application development and business intelligence tools that supports any development approach, any technology platform, and any operating system.

Forward-thinking architects and developers are using these tools today to address the complexity of their application and IT environments with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), which facilitates the development of enterprise applications as modular business services that can be easily integrated and reused, creating a truly flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure.

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Java, SOA, and Web 2.0 Development  BPM Suite


   Enterprise Pack for Eclipse
   JDeveloper & ADF
   NetBeans IDE
 SOA Suite
 Team Productivity Center
   WebCenter Suite
 WebLogic Server



Database Application Development

 Application Express
   Berkeley DB Family
   Database 10g Express Edition
   Database Lite
   SQL Developer
   SQL Developer Data Modeler
   TimesTen In-Memory Database
   XML Developer's Kit
   Zend Server

Business Intelligence & Reporting

 BI Publisher
   Business Intelligence
   Warehouse Builder

.NET Development

 Developer Tools for Visual Studio

Traditional Oracle Tools

   Developer Suite Software Configuration Manager


Standards Participation

The following is a partial list of the standards organizations in which Oracle actively participates.
 ANSI bullet OASIS
bullet Eclipse bullet Object Management Group
 Enterprise Grid Alliance bullet Open Mobile Alliance
bullet INCITS bullet RosettaNet
bullet Java Community Process bullet World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
bullet Liberty Alliance    
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