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  Database Management

Increase DBA productivity by 80% and reduce database testing time by 90%.

Oracle revolutionized the field of enterprise database management systems with the release of Oracle Database 10g by introducing the industry’s first self-management capabilities built right into the database kernel. Today, after several releases and continuous improvement of this intelligent management infrastructure, Oracle Database provides the most extensive self-management capabilities in the industry, ranging from zero-overhead instrumentation to integrated self-healing and business-driven management. Oracle’s Database management capabilities make DBA lives easier by providing a full-lifecycle solution encompassing change and configuration management, patching, provisioning, testing, masking/subsetting, performance management and automatic tuning.


Data Sheets, Business Whitepapers, Feature Overview

Enterprise Manager 12c

Oracle Diagnostic Pack for Database
Oracle Tuning Pack for Database
Oracle Lifecycle Management Pack for Database
Data Masking Pack
Oracle Test Data Management Pack

Getting Started

Screenwatches, Oracle By Example (OBE), Tutorials

Enterprise Manager 12c

Screenwatch: Exadata Management Using Enterprise Manager 12c
Screenwatch: Manage Exadata with Enterprise Manager 12c (as seen at Oracle OpenWorld)
Screenwatch: Use Active Session History (ASH) Analytics
Screenwatch: Use Real-Time ADDM
Screenwatch: Compare Period ADDM

Previous Releases

Screenwatch: Offline Analysis of Long Running SQL using SQL Monitoring Active Reports
Screenwatch: Simplify Oracle Database Upgrades Using SQL Performance Analyzer
Screenwatch: Detecting Unwanted Schema Changes in Real Time using Oracle Change Management Packs
Screenwatch: Oracle Data Masking
Screenwatch: Mass Patching of Oracle Databases
Database Management Viewlets and OBEs - Include Real Application Testing, Data Masking, Change Management, Patching, and more.

Related Solutions 


Oracle Database manageability: Learn about Oracle 10g, the self-managing database.
Other Databases : Monitor Microsoft SQL Sever and IBM DB2 databases in your organization.
Storage : Monitor, diagnose and get alerted on storage-related problems for your Oracle databases running on NetApp Filers and EMC Celerra NAS servers .


Customer Success

Success stories, Magazine Articles, Press Releases
SQL Access Advisor Improves Performance at Britannia
"Get Control": How Starwood Hotels, Pfizer and Advance America got control over their IT infrastructure. - Oracle Magazine  July 2006
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