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Oracle Solaris 11 Downloads

Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 can be installed in a number of different ways - from a hands free server based automated installation to a text or graphical installation (Live Media). Installation is easy and fast, and can be customized with additional software using the Oracle Solaris 11 network based package management system.

Please read the release notes (html) prior to installing it onto your system and minimum hardware requirements, and also the What's New in Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 and Frequently Asked Questions document.

You must accept the OTN License Agreement for Oracle Solaris to download this software. Production use of Oracle Solaris requires a support contract.
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Download Download for SPARC - Text Install (526 MB)
Download Download for x86 - Text Install (430 MB)

- See the First Steps with Oracle Solaris 11 Article for more details

All installation downloads are in ISO image format which can be burned to a CD/DVD, or used directly within Oracle VM Server or other virtualization software. Once you have downloaded an ISO image, you can verify it by checking against the relevant MD5 checksum. The Automated Installation download ISO can be used directly by the Automated Install service. Please refer to Product Documentation for further details.

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Other Downloads

Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 Automated Installer

The Automated Installer provides a "hands-free" network installation for multiple client systems, allowing administrators the ability to create and manage customized installation profiles for different systems. Client systems must have network access to a local IPS repository or have direct internet access.

Download Download SPARC (353 MB)
Download Download x86 (272 MB)

-See the Installing Oracle Solaris 11 Systems Guide for more details

Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 Live Media for x86

The Live Media provides administrators with an opportunity to explore the Oracle Solaris 11 environment without installing it on a system. The system boots off the media directly allowing administrators to start the installer should they choose to install it to a system.

Download Download x86 (821 MB)

-See the First Steps with Oracle Solaris 11 Article for more details

Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 Repository Image

The repository image provides administrators a complete archive of software packages to allow them to set up a local network IPS repository that client systems can connect to.

The repository image is provided in two parts that must be concatenated together. Please use the following command-line instructions to successfully create a full ISO image that can be burned to a dual-layer DVD or directly mounted using lofiadm.

user@hostname:~$ cat sol-11-1111-repo-full.iso-a sol-11-1111-repo-full.iso-b > sol-11-1111-repo-full.iso

Download Download Part A SPARC, x86 (3.3 GB)
Download Download Part B SPARC, x86 (3.1 GB)

USB Install Images for x86

USB images require the utility 'usbcopy' to copy the bootable ISO image to a USB flash drive. This utility is available on Oracle Solaris 11 by installing pkg:/install/distribution-constructor using the pkg(1) command-line or Package Manager utility.

Download Download Text Install (516 MB)
Download Download LiveUSB (985 MB)
Download Download Automated Install (327 MB)


Oracle Solaris 11 Virtual Machine Downloads

A variety of virtual machine images are available for Oracle Solaris 11, for both SPARC and x86 architectures. See Oracle Solaris 11 VM Downloads for more details.

Oracle Solaris 11 Preflight Application Checker

The Oracle Solaris Preflight Application Checker is a tool which enables you to determine the Oracle Solaris 11 readiness of an application by analyzing a working application on Oracle Solaris 10. A successful check with this tool will be a strong indicator that an ISV may run a given application without modifications on Oracle Solaris 11.

Download Download for SPARC (150 MB)
Download Download for x86 (162 MB)

-See the Oracle Solaris 11 Preflight Application Checker page for more details

For third-party software that you receive from Oracle in binary form which is licensed under an open source license that gives you the right to receive the source code for that binary, you can obtain a copy of the applicable source code by visiting http://oss.oracle.com/systems-opensourcecode/

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