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 Enterprise Monitoring

Leverage the power of built-in monitoring to diagnose problems three-to-five times faster than with competing, loosely-coupled monitoring frameworks.

World class enterprise monitoring is about monitoring the status of your infrastructure and applications, notifying the appropriate IT staff when incidents occur, and reporting on status, history and trends to interested parties throughout IT and the business. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides rich monitoring features as a foundation for monitoring all components of your IT infrastructure (Oracle and non-Oracle) as well as the applications and services that are running on them. These features enable IT to proactively monitor and resolve issues by business priority, implement operational best practices for monitoring, and provide consistent, high quality service in support of business goals.


Data Sheets, Business Whitepapers, Feature Overview

Enterprise Manager 12c

Incident Management
Administration Groups and Template Collections

Previous Releases

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control
Oracle Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Concepts


Self-Running Demos, Screenwatches, Online Training

Enterprise Manager 12c

Incident Management: Overview
Incident Management: Create Views
Incident Management: View Incident Details
Incident Management: Use Incident Rule Sets Part 1
Incident Management: Use Incident Rule Sets Part 2
Administration Groups and Template Collections (Part 1): Create Administration Group Hierarchy
Administration Groups and Template Collections (Part 2): Create and Associate Template Collections
Metric Extensions (Part 1): Create Metric Extensions
Metric Extensions (Part 2): Deploy Metric Extensions

Previous Releases

Creating Monitoring Templates
Customizing Monitoring Settings
Automating Problem Resolution with Corrective Actions
Additional Screenwatches

Getting Started

Tutorials, Oracle By Example (OBE)

System Monitoring OBEs and Viewlets - Include Groups, Notifications System, User Privileges, Reports, Jobs and much more.


Best Practices

Technical Whitepapers. Best Practice Documents, Documentation

Best Practices - Notifications
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