Welcome to the State of California

Right Column

Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision to Hold First Meeting – 6-28-11

Secretary John Laird Testifies Before the House Subcommittee on Water and Power - 6-2-11

San Jose Mercury News Opinion: Planning for Delta ecosystems and our water
supply is now more transparent - 5-25-11

State Senate Confirms John Laird as Secretary for Natural Resources - 3-8-11

Bay Delta Conservation Plan Moving Forward - 3-3-11

Restoring the Delta and Creating a Clean, Reliable Water Supply

Restoring the ecological health of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is critical for the protection of all species, aquatic and terrestrial, while providing clean, reliable water to twenty-five million Californians.

Protecting Our Ocean and Coast

Protecting and managing California's 1,100 miles of coastal and ocean resources while safeguarding the diversity and abundance of marine life for generations to come.

Preservation of Sensitive Habitat and Critical Ecosystems

Preserving the sensitive habitat of threatened and endangered species while ensuring that California's critical ecosystems are restored, maintained and protected.

Conserving Treasured Lands and Valuable Natural Resources

Conserving more land for preservation, protection, restoration of wildlife, and recreation than any other administration in California's history.

Developing Renewable Energy Sources

Advancing renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease California's dependence on fossil fuel and foreign oil.


Mission Statement: To restore, protect and manage the state's natural, historical and cultural resources for current and future generations using creative approaches and solutions based on science, collaboration and respect for all the communities and interests involved.