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Diane L. Larson, Ph.D.

Research Wildlife Biologist
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
1561 Lindig Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Phone: (651) 649-5041
Fax: (651) 649-5040
Email NPWRC Staff
Research (Principal Investigator),
Minnesota Office

Photo of Diane Larson.


  • Plant-and-Animal Interactions:
    • seed dispersal
    • pollination ecology
    • biological control
  • Ecology of Plant Invasion in Natural Areas:
    • role of the native plant community
    • role of disturbance
    • role of soil biota

Current Projects:

  • Long-term monitoring of leafy spurge and biocontrol insects
  • Restoration methods to minimize invasive plant infestation
  • Role of soil biota in restoration of sites previously infested with leafy spurge


  • Ph.D., Biology, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (1991)
  • M.A., Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO (1984)
  • B.A., Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO (1978)

Professional Experience:

  • 1991-present:  Research Wildlife Biologist, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, USGS, Jamestown, ND

Professional Affiliations:

  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN (1998-present)
  • Ecological Society of America
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • The North Dakota Natural Science Society

Selected Publications:

Larson, D.L., R.A. Royer and M.R. Royer. 2006. Insect visitation and pollen deposition in an invaded prairie plant community. Biological Conservation 130: 148-159.

Reed, C.C., D.L. Larson and J.L. Larson. 2006. Canada thistle biological control agents on two South Dakota Wildlife Refuges. Natural Areas Journal 26: 47-52.

Larson, D. L. and J. B. Grace. 2004. Temporal dynamics of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) and two species of flea beetles (Aphthona spp.) used as biological control agents. Biological Control 29:207-214.

Larson, D. L. 2003. Native weeds and exotic plants: relationships to disturbance in mixed-grass prairie. Plant Ecology 169:317-333.

Fahnestock, J. T., D. L. Larson, G. E. Plumb and J. K. Detling. 2003. Effects of ungulates and prairie dogs on seed banks and vegetation in a North American mixed-grass prairie. Plant Ecology 167:255-268.

Larson, D. L., P. J. Anderson, and W. E. Newton. 2001. Alien plant invasion in mixed-grass prairie: effects of vegetation type and anthropogenic disturbance. Ecological Applications 11:128-141.

Larson, D. L., W. E. Newton, P. J. Anderson, and S. J. Stein. 1999. Effects of fire retardant chemical and fire suppressant foam on shrub steppe vegetation in northern Nevada. International Journal of Wildland Fire 9:115-127.

Larson, D. L. 1998. Tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, life history in relation to agriculture in the northern Great Plains: a hypothesis. Pages 325-329 In: Lannoo, M. J., ed., Status and conservation of midwestern amphibians. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa.

Larson, D. L., S. McDonald, A. J. Fivizzani, W. E. Newton, and S. J. Hamilton. 1998. Effects of the herbicide atrazine on Ambystoma tigrinum metamorphosis: duration, larval growth, and hormonal response. Physiological Zoology 71:671-679.

Larson, D. L., M. J. Lannoo, N. E. Euliss, and D. Mushet. 1998. Amphibians of the northern grasslands: what do we know? Pages 450-451 In: Mac, M. J., Opler, P. A., C. E. Puckett Haecker, and P. D. Doran, Editors. Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources. Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va.

Larson, D. L. 1996. Seed dispersal by specialist versus generalist foragers: the plant's perspective. Oikos 76:113-120.

Larson, D. L. 1995. Effects of climate on numbers of northern prairie wetlands. Climatic Change, 30:169-180.

Oquist, M. G., B. H. Svensson, P. Groffman, M. Taylor, K. B. Bartlett, M. Boko, J. Brouwer, O. F. Canziani, C. B. Craft, J. Laine, D. L. Larson, P. J. Martikainen, E. Matthews, W. Mullie, S. Page, C. J. Richardson, J. Rieley, N. Roulet, J. Silvola, Y. Zhang. 1996. Chapter 6. Non-tidal wetlands. Pages 215-239 in: Climate Change 1995. Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Larson, D. L. 1994. Potential effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on avian habitats and populations in the northern Great Plains. American Midland Naturalist 131:330-346.

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