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Girls, 12 and 13, charged in Womelsdorf arson

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Womelsdorf police arrested two girls - ages 12 and 13 - on arson charges in a fire in an apartment building Dec. 29, officials said Monday.

The girls, whose names were not released because they are juveniles, have been charged with arson, risking a catastrophe and 13 counts of reckless endangerment, according to Womelsdorf Police Officer Evan Reber, who investigated.

Their cases have been referred to juvenile authorities.

The girls, who live in the borough, remain free awaiting further court action.

Police said the girls were playing with matches and paper in a basement storage area of an apartment building at 400 Cherry Drive about 8:30 that night.

Someone smelled the fire and called 9-1-1, but the girls extinguished the flames and fled as firefighters arrived.

A firefighter and another person saw the girls flee from the apartment building to another apartment building in the block.

There was only minor damage to the storage area.

The girls were brought in for questioning and admitted to setting the fire.

"They said they were messing around and having fun, but it's no game when you're playing with fire," Reber said. "This could've displaced very many families and caused a lot of damage right around the holidays."

There were no injuries and no one was displaced by the fire.

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