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Buyer Tools

eBay Anywhere!
Buyer tools to help you search, bid and buy with eBay

On the Go
eBay tools for when you are away from your computer.
On Your Desktop
eBay tools for your desktop.
On the Web
eBay tools for when you are surfing the internet.
eBay Mobile eBay Mobile
Search, bid, monitor your auctions – all from your mobile phone.
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eBay Desktop
Complete eBay experience in a desktop application.
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eBay Toolbar eBay Toolbar
Search eBay and check the status of items you bid on or watch.
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SMS Alerts SMS Alerts
Get simple text messages (SMS) on your mobile phone whenever you are outbid or win an auction-style listing.
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Skype Skype
Make free calls over the Internet to anyone, anywhere in the world. Plus, search for items and track your eBay activity within Skype.
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eBay on Google Toolbar eBay on Google Toolbar
Add an eBay button to your Google Toolbar and stay on top of all your eBay activity.
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IM Alerts IM Alerts
Stay on top of your bidding activities with instant message alerts over AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, or MSN Messenger.
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eBay Plug-in for Yahoo! Messenger
Use Yahoo! Messenger to stay on top of your eBay activity.
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Voice Alerts Voice Alerts
Have eBay call you in the last three minutes before an auction-style listing ends. Then bid right from your phone.
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All eBay Tools
To find more information about all eBay tools, visit eBay's Solutions Directory.

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