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2008 Tidal Current Predictions

This system will allow you to obtain tidal current predictions computed by CO-OPS for more than 2,700 tidal current locations along the U.S. coastline. The publication of full daily predictions is limited to a select number of "reference stations." The remaining stations are referred to as "subordinate stations." Tidal predictions for subordinate stations are be obtained by applying specific differences to the times and speeds of the predicted tidal currents for the specified reference stations.

These pages provide a listing of the 2,700 plus reference stations and subordinate stations. Selecting the "predictions" link beside a station listing will provide tidal current predictions for the location with the differences already applied.

Unlike tide stations, which are normally located along the shoreline, most tidal current stations are located offshore in channels, rivers, and bays. Tidal current stations are often named for the channel, river, or bay in which they are located or for a nearby navigational reference point. A map or some personal knowledge of the area may be necessary to help identify stations in the area you are interested in.

The list of subordinate stations has been broken down into states and other areas where tidal current stations are located. Each state is further broken down into regions. Each region presents a list of the tidal current stations in the area. The stations are listed geographically; thus, stations that are near each other along the shoreline appear together in the listing. This assists the user in locating a station of interest.

Depth of stations: Although current measurements may have been recorded at various depths in the past, the data listed for many subordinate stations are mean values determined to have been representative of the current at each location. For that reason, no specific current meter depths for those stations are listed. Beginning with the Boston Harbor tidal current survey in 1971, data for individual meter depths were published and subsequent data will be presented in a similar manner. Most historic tidal current data is collected from meters suspended from survey vessels or anchored buoys, the listed depths for these stations are those measured downward from the surface. More recent tidal current data are collected from meters anchored at fixed depths from the bottom, the listed depths for these stations are defined as depth below chart datum and will be accompanied by the small letter "d". All depths listed are in units of feet.

Bookmarks may be created to the daily predictions for specific stations using the URL listed when the predictions are displayed. However, that link will only provide access to the predictions for the year available when the bookmark was created. Each successive year of predictions will use a different URL address, and thus any bookmarks must be updated to access each new year of predictions.

Current table changes from 2007 to 2008

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