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US-VISIT supports the Department of Homeland Security's mission to protect our nation by providing biometric identification services to federal, state and local government decision makers to help them accurately identify the people they encounter and determine whether those people pose a risk to the United States.

US-VISIT's most visible service is the collection of biometrics—digital fingerprints and a photograph—from international travelers at U.S. visa-issuing posts and ports of entry. Collecting this information helps immigration officers determine whether a person is eligible to receive a visa or enter the United States. The biometric collection process is simple, convenient and secure.

US-VISIT's innovative use of biometrics prevents identity fraud and deprives criminals and immigration violators of the ability to cross our borders. US-VISIT also supports the Department's ability to identify international travelers who have remained in the United States beyond their period of admission by analyzing biographical information.

By providing decision makers with the information they need where and when they need it, US-VISIT is helping to make U.S. immigration and border management efforts more collaborative, more streamlined and more effective.

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