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The People's Score

User Score 6
A good game but finally SWTOR is UNINSPIRED, cheeesy, childish and just too boring in a moment in gaming when there is plenty of fun to be had elsewhere. Games like Deus EX, EVE, and E.Y.E Cybermancy, even Dawn of War 2 have shown us what might be possible in terms of SF gameplay. But Bioware chose to ignore the potential of the genre, to be totally 'bad-assed' and amazing. Instead they opted for a 'safe path' This safety it turns out was to make a copy of WOW that is nauseatingly close to WOW. (Which sux!) There is a hell of a lot of content in this game. At launch it is definitely a beefy MMO, worth playing for the MMO heads. Basic content is fine and replayability with eight (++) classes is HUGE. Too bad, the players don't get much scope to add ANY creative INPUT into any of it. As for other recent Bioware releases, the players take a passive, backseat ride with this game, an escorted tour of the galaxy. What do we get? SWTOR is a sadly mediocre and long winded single player game with MMO features. There is a near total focus on COMBAT. Yet the combat is no-skill, button mashing. SWTOR is supposed to offer players role playing adventures in an amazing galaxy. It doesn't. Players instead are put into a railroad network of plot quests that are scripted to tedium. Gameplay centers on working through the cut scenes and the set pieces for each distinct class, and then drift off into an end game you have already seen in every other MMO out there. PvP is unbalanced, and the classes that looked terrible in the development videos (smuggler) REALLY are terrible! Access to the galaxy is not open, and is subject to your present location in your class plot. The game 'play' is too slow and the skill sets are not sufficiently fun. Too much time requires: Run here. Run there. It is most definitely not something many people are going to want to play for 2-3 years. ME3 will be better. What SWTOR doesn't do is allow the player to create an interesting and unique character and leave them free to explore the galaxy. As in other recent Bioware games, there is no "WORLD" to explore, and no freedom to explore even what territiory is offered. We could imagine a great MMO where you start off as a nobody in some obscure corner of the galaxy and then build up yours powers, your assets and a sense of morality over time. We could imagine a vital role playing experience with serious choices. Nothing of the sort is offered. Instead of working towards becoming a Jedi or Sith Lord after a long journey of self-discovery, you begin your quest close to the top, with any possibility of a long individual story killed by Bioware's CONTROL mania: invisible script walls that limit your experience to their plot lines. There is ZERO FREEDOM. Allegiance is decided by class choice, not in-game options. Rather than having great dimensions of personal asset development, a focus on players building the political facts on the ground, and a whole raft of amusing non combat skills to develop: rather than add ANY player-centric RPG fun : Bioware made this game as a hollow experience with threadbare elements: SET PLOTS (yawn) CRAPPY COMBAT and DULL crafting. The main disappointment is the failure to introduce ambitious or challenging dimensions to the mix. No open worlds. No ship design. No economy. No politics. Too few RPG elements. No mechanisms for guilds to determine the evolution of the game. You cannot play any of the diverse races of the Star Wars universe. Nor can you tell your own story, by becoming a spy, a smuggler, or spiritual master, through fate and fortune and adventure. You become all of those things out of the box. The whole game is walking from one set piece to the next. Its all FOLLOWING a story rather than creating one. It's all pre-scripted, hence STERILE. In this game every facking agent in the history of the galaxy becomes one in PRECISELY THE SAME WAY. Let that sink in for a minute, then try and tell me again why this game is a 10/10. Every single game experience period is FIXED into the railroad network of set scripts. I'm not trolling, I'm complaining that I find a game that doesn't deserve my time. or commitment. SWTOR does offer about 3 months of fun if you don't mind the skill-less combat and endless cut scenes. Yet its true value and replayability is limited. Because there is far too little player imput or choice into oour adventure and final appearance and capabilities of our characters. My final gripe with this game is that it doesn't look like something made by or for adult gamers. It looks and plays like a game for kids. Like most MMOs its a WASTE of time and money. There are dozens of way to have more fun for free. Whoever EA has writing their reviews in here isn't doing a very good job. Who cares about WOW? I hate WOW. We all expected something MUCH better. Timothy Rawlins. Read More »
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Average User Score for this Game: 6.1

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