



Climate Change

Cancun Agreements put 193 nations on track to deal with climate change

Delegates from 193 nations agreed Saturday on a new global framework to help developing countries curb their carbon output and cope with the effects of climate change. | Read more »

» Video: Himalayan Leader makes plea for glaciers
» Video: The Forest Connection
» Video: High hopes for climate conference in Cancun

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Saving tropical forests

The current climate talks in Cancun will discuss how developing countries can be compensated for protecting their tropical forests.

Climate change photo of the day

A look at climate change happenings around the world, with a new photo added every day.

Cancun climate talks

Nearly 200 nations are represented at the United Nations-sponsored climate talks in Cancun, Mexico.
Climate change video

A view of the climate talks from the Solomon Islands


The Solomon Islands' permanent representative to the UN Collin Beck talks from Cancun, Mexico.

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[Global emissions]

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[Talks continue, emissions rise]

Emissions still rising

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